Source code for node_sequencesplit

# This file is part of Sympathy for Data.
# Copyright (c) 2017, Combine Control Systems AB
# You should have received a link to the License with Sympathy for Data.
from sympathy.api import node
from sympathy.api import table
from sympathy.api.nodeconfig import Port, Ports, Tag, Tags, adjust
from sympathy.api.exceptions import sywarn
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as signal
import math
import warnings

LOCAL_MAXIMA = 'Local Maxima'
WAVELET = 'Continuous Wavelet Transform'

def median_period(data, peak_detector, samples):
    # Lowpass filter to reduce the risk of erroneous detections.
    # Remove last element to keep the original data length.
    data = np.convolve(data, np.ones(10) / 10)[:-1]

    # Calculate the autocorrelation
    # (see
    # and extract a sequence with the same size as the original data.
    correlation = signal.correlate(data, data, mode='same') / len(data)

    # Detect local maxima using the selected algorithm.
    if peak_detector == LOCAL_MAXIMA:
        peaks = signal.argrelmax(correlation)[0]
        # Avoid special case rounding by passing default window_size.
        peaks = signal.find_peaks_cwt(
            correlation, np.linspace(1, samples),
            window_size=int(np.ceil(len(correlation) / 20)))

    # Differentiate to calculate the distance between peaks.
    # Then remove the first and last peaks to avoid problems where these
    # samples are to close the start or end of the data.
    diff_peaks = np.diff(peaks)

    # Calculate the average of 80 % of the found peaks.
    start = int(np.ceil(len(diff_peaks) * 0.1))
    stop = int(-np.ceil(len(diff_peaks) * 0.1))
    med_diff = np.mean(diff_peaks[start:stop])
    return med_diff

[docs] class SequenceSplit(node.Node): """ Find peaks in a signal and slice the input Table into a list of Tables, where each element contains one peak. If peaks are found very close to the edges of the data, the first and/or last element may contain unexpected results. If this is the case, use :ref:`Slice List` to remove these elements. """ name = 'Periodic Sequence Split Table' author = 'Måns Fällman' icon = 'sequencesplit.svg' description = ( 'Splits tables of data in equidistant points based on the periodicity ' 'of an identifier column') nodeid = '' tags = Tags(Tag.Analysis.SignalProcessing) inputs = Ports([Port.Table('The sequence to split', 'sequence')]) outputs = Ports([Port.Tables('The split sequences', 'sequences')]) parameters = node.parameters() parameters.set_string( 'peak_detector', label='Peak Detecting Algorithm', description='Choose which algorithm to detect periodic events', value=LOCAL_MAXIMA, editor=node.editors.combo_editor(options=[LOCAL_MAXIMA, WAVELET])) parameters.set_integer( 'samples', label='Samples per peak', description=( 'Choose an approximate value for the number of expected samples ' 'between peaks'), editor=node.editors.bounded_spinbox_editor(2, 9999999, 1)) parameters.set_list( 'select_column', label='Select column', description='Choose column to use as identifier', editor=node.editors.combo_editor(edit=True, placeholder='Required')) parameters.set_float( 'lag_offset', label='Offset of peridodic event (0-100)', description='Add lag as a percentage of the discarded data', value=0.0, editor=node.editors.bounded_lineedit_editor( 0, 100, placeholder='0-100')) controllers = ( node.controller( when=node.field('peak_detector', 'value', value=WAVELET), action=(node.field('samples', 'enabled'))), node.controller( when=node.field('peak_detector', 'value', value=LOCAL_MAXIMA), action=(node.field('samples', 'disabled')))) def adjust_parameters(self, node_context): adjust(node_context.parameters['select_column'], node_context.input['sequence']) def execute(self, node_context): parameters = node_context.parameters in_table = node_context.input['sequence'] data = in_table._require_column(parameters['select_column']) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") med_diff = median_period( data, parameters['peak_detector'].value, parameters['samples'].value) if math.isnan(med_diff): sywarn('No peaks found. Check input data.') return offset = np.mod(len(data), np.round(med_diff)) offset = int(offset * parameters['lag_offset'].value * 0.01) number_of_tables = int(len(data) / med_diff) for x in range(number_of_tables): out_table = table.File() names = in_table.column_names() start = int(np.round(x * med_diff) + offset + np.mod(x, 2)) stop = int(np.round((x + 1) * med_diff) + offset + np.mod(x, 2)) for name in names: out_table.set_column_from_array( name, in_table.get_column_to_array(name)[start:stop]) node_context.output['sequences'].append(out_table)