A Library is a container for nodes and plugins that makes them available for use in Sympathy. On the computer, a library is a folder with a certain file structure, for details see Library structure in Libraries.
Additional libraries are generally referred to as third-party libraries. When you have downloaded (or otherwise obtained) a third-party library you can add it to Sympathy.
Libraries can be added globally, for all Sympathy instances, or locally, for specific workflows. The current workflow and the global settings determine which workflows that are currently active. Nodes from all active libraries are shown in the Library window.
For information about how to create new libraries, see Creating new libraries.
Libraries have some basic properties, such as, a name, a version. And can optionally provide its own example flows and HTML documentation.
Adding Libraries¶
Libraries can be added to the global list of libraries in Preferences or to the list of libraries for any open workflow (root or linked) in Properties (right-click, Properties -> Libraries).
Advanced: it is possible to add libraries globally, as python packages, by using pip install …. This is how the standard library is installed.
Local workflow libraries rely on paths (typically relative) and can simplify sharing, when the paths are reliable across systems. Local libraries is often a good choice since they make dependencies explicit and shareable.
Global libraries is a good choice to add a few libraries that you always want to use.
Adding nodes¶
New nodes can be built using subflows of existing nodes. These Subflow Nodes can then be added to an active library.
Advanced: new nodes based on Python code can be added to an active library by following the instructions in Creating new nodes.
Missing nodes¶
When opening a workflow that uses nodes that are not found among the currently active libraries these will be replaced, in the workflow, by non-usable placeholder elements: Missing Nodes and Missing subflows. The solution to restore the necessary nodes is to add the libraries that contain them. This can be done by adding the libraries globally or by adding them to the root of the workflow where they are missing.
It is also possible to use another workflow that adds the necessary libraries and somehow links to the original workflow. This works because local workflow libraries are considered per root workflow and includes the libraries for any linked subflows.