Source code for node_filtering

# This file is part of Sympathy for Data.
# Copyright (c) 2017, Combine Control Systems AB
# Sympathy for Data is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Sympathy for Data is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Sympathy for Data.  If not, see <>.
from sympathy.api import node
from sympathy.api.nodeconfig import Ports, Tag, Tags

import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
from skimage import filters, feature, transform
from sylib.imageprocessing.image import ImagePort
from sylib.imageprocessing.algorithm_selector import ImageFiltering_abstract
from sylib.imageprocessing.color import grayscale_transform
from sympathy.api.exceptions import SyNodeError, sywarn
import scipy.ndimage.filters

def table_to_image(table):
    data = [ for column in table.cols()]
    return np.column_stack(data)

def alg_prewitt(im, params):
    method = params['horizontal/vertical'].value
    if method == 'horizontal':
        return filters.prewitt_h(im)
    elif method == 'vertical':
        return filters.prewitt_v(im)
        return filters.prewitt(im)

def alg_scharr(im, params):
    method = params['horizontal/vertical'].value
    if method == 'horizontal':
        return filters.scharr_h(im)
    elif method == 'vertical':
        return filters.scharr_v(im)
        return filters.scharr(im)

def alg_sobel(im, params):
    method = params['horizontal/vertical'].value
    if method == 'horizontal':
        return filters.sobel_h(im)
    elif method == 'vertical':
        return filters.sobel_v(im)
        return filters.sobel(im)

def alg_roberts(im, params):
    method = params['positive/negative diagonal'].value
    if method == 'positive':
        return filters.roberts_pos_diag(im)
    elif method == 'negative':
        return filters.roberts_neg_diag(im)
        return filters.roberts(im)

def alg_greyscale(im, params):
    if len(im.shape) == 2:
        result = im
    elif im.shape[2] == 3 and params['luminance preserving'].value:
        result =
    elif (im.shape[2] == 4 and
          params['luminance preserving'].value and
          params['preserve alpha'].value):
        result = np.zeros(im.shape[:2]+(2,))
        result[:, :, 0] = im[:, :, :3].dot(grayscale_transform)
        result[:, :, 1] = im[:, :, 3]
    elif im.shape[2] == 4 and not params['preserve alpha'].value:
        result = im[:, :, :3].dot(grayscale_transform)
        result = im.mean(axis=2).reshape(im.shape[:2]+(1,))
    return result

def alg_center_image(im, params):
    x_weights = np.ones(im.shape[:2]) * np.arange(im.shape[1])
    y_weights = (
        np.ones((im.shape[1], im.shape[0])) * np.arange(im.shape[0])
    if len(im.shape) < 3:
        im = im.reshape(im.shape+(1,))
    channels = im.shape[2]
    x_w_sum, y_w_sum = 0, 0
    x_sum, y_sum = 0, 0
    for channel in range(channels):
        x_w_sum += np.sum(im[:, :, channel] * x_weights)
        y_w_sum += np.sum(im[:, :, channel] * y_weights)
        x_sum += np.sum(im[:, :, channel])
        y_sum += np.sum(im[:, :, channel])
    xpos = x_w_sum / x_sum
    ypos = y_w_sum / y_sum
    dx = int(xpos - im.shape[1]/2)
    dy = int(ypos - im.shape[0]/2)
    out = np.zeros(im.shape)
    if dx < 0 and dy < 0:
        out[-dy:, -dx:, :] = im[:dy, :dx, :]
    elif dx < 0 and dy >= 0:
        out[:-dy, -dx:, :] = im[dy:, :dx, :]
    elif dx >= 0 and dy < 0:
        out[-dy:, :-dx, :] = im[:dy, dx:, :]
    elif dx >= 0 and dy >= 0:
        out[:-dy, :-dx, :] = im[dy:, dx:, :]
    return out

def alg_padding(im, params):
    if len(im.shape) < 3:
        im = im.reshape(im.shape+(1,))
    add_alpha = params['add alpha'].value
    px, py = params['x'].value, params['y'].value
    px, py = int(px), int(py)
    k = params['k'].value
    max_x = im.shape[1]+abs(px)
    max_y = im.shape[0]+abs(py)
    result = np.full((max_y, max_x, im.shape[2]+add_alpha), k)
    if add_alpha:
        result[max(0, py):max(0, py)+im.shape[0],
               max(0, px):max(0, px)+im.shape[1], :-1] = im
        result[max(0, py):max(0, py)+im.shape[0],
               max(0, px):max(0, px)+im.shape[1], -1] = np.ones(im.shape[:2])
        result[max(0, py):max(0, py)+im.shape[0],
               max(0, px):max(0, px)+im.shape[1]] = im
    return result

def alg_crop_image(im, params):
    x, y = params['x'].value, params['y'].value
    w, h = params['width'].value, params['height'].value
    shape = im.shape
    x, y = min(x, shape[1]), min(y, shape[0])
    w, h = min(w, shape[1]-x), min(h, shape[0]-y)
    return im[y:y+h, x:x+w]

def alg_resize(im, params):
    req_h = params['height'].value
    req_w = params['width'].value
    h, w = req_h, req_w
    if params['aspect'].value:
        aspect = im.shape[1] / float(im.shape[0])
        size = min(req_w / aspect, req_h)
        w = int(size * aspect)
        h = int(size)

    shape = (h, w) + im.shape[2:]
    result_im = transform.resize(
        im, shape, order=params['interpolation degree'].value)
    if params['padding'].value:
        pad_h = req_h - h
        pad_w = req_w - w
        padded_im = np.zeros((req_h, req_w) + im.shape[2:])
        x0 = int(pad_w/2)
        x1 = x0 + result_im.shape[1]
        y0 = int(pad_h/2)
        y1 = y0 + result_im.shape[0]
        padded_im[y0:y1, x0:x1] = result_im
        return padded_im
    return result_im

def alg_convolution(im, params, tables):
    if len(tables) == 0:
        raise SyNodeError(
            'Convolution filters require second input for kernel '
            '(right-click node to create new input)')
    kernel = table_to_image(tables[0])
    return scipy.ndimage.filters.convolve(
        im, kernel, mode=params['border mode'].value,

def alg_generic_colourspace(im, params, tables):
    if len(tables) == 0:
        raise SyNodeError(
            'Generic colourspace conversion require second table input '
            '(right-click node to create new input)')
    conv = table_to_image(tables[0])
    print("Conv: ", conv)
    rows = conv.shape[0]
    out = np.zeros(im.shape[:2]+(rows,))
    for out_ch in range(rows):
        out[:, :, out_ch] =, conv[out_ch, :])
    return out

def alg_colourmap(im, params):
    if len(im.shape) >= 3 and im.shape[2] != 1:
        sywarn('Colourmap expects a single-channel input')
    if len(im.shape) >= 3:
        im = im[:, :, 0]
    cmap = mpl.colormaps[params['cmap'].value]
        cols = np.array(cmap.colors)
    except AttributeError:
        cols = cmap(np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 256))
        if cols.shape[-1] == 4:
            cols = cols[:, :3]
    minv = np.nanmin(im)
    maxv = np.nanmax(im)
    im[np.isnan(im)] = minv
    im = np.round((len(cols)-1) * (im-minv) / (maxv-minv)).astype(int)
    return cols[im.ravel()].reshape(im.shape[:2]+(cols.shape[-1],))

def alg_auto_threshold(im, params):
    method = params['auto threshold method'].value
    fns = {
        'otsu': filters.threshold_otsu,
        'yen': filters.threshold_yen,
        'isodata': filters.threshold_isodata,
        'li': filters.threshold_li,
        'minimum': filters.threshold_minimum,
        'mean': filters.threshold_mean,
        'triangle': filters.threshold_triangle,
        'median': lambda x: np.median(x)
    fn = fns[method]
    return im > fn(im)

[docs]class ImageFiltering2(ImageFiltering_abstract, node.Node): name = 'Filter Image, Dual Output' author = 'Mathias Broxvall' version = '0.1' icon = 'image_filtering_dual.svg' description = ( 'Filters one image using algorithms with two images as output') nodeid = 'syip.imagefiltering2' tags = Tags(Tag.ImageProcessing.ImageManipulation) def alg_hessian_eigenval(im, par): hrr, hrc, hcc = feature.hessian_matrix(im, sigma=par['sigma'].value) return feature.hessian_matrix_eigvals(hrr, hrc, hcc) algorithms = { 'corner_foerstner': { 'description': ( 'Computes Foerstner corner measure response images. Outputs ' 'error eclipse sizes (top) and roundness or error eclipse ' '(bottom).'), 'sigma': 'Standard deviation of gaussian kernel (default 1.0)', 'multi_chromatic': False, 'algorithm': lambda im, par: feature.corner_foerstner( im, sigma=par['sigma'].value) }, 'hessian eigenvalues': { 'description': ( 'Computes the eigenvalues of the hessian matrix for each ' 'pixel. Returns larger eigenvalue in first output image and ' 'smaller in second'), 'multi_chromatic': False, 'sigma': ( 'Standard deviation of gaussian kernel (default 3.0) used for ' 'calculating Hessian.\nApproximation is not reliable for ' 'sigma < 3.0'), 'algorithm': alg_hessian_eigenval }, } options_list = ['n', 'sigma', 'threshold'] options_types = {'n': int, 'sigma': float, 'threshold': float} options_default = {'n': 12, 'sigma': 1.0, 'threshold': 0.15} parameters = node.parameters() parameters.set_string( 'algorithm', value=next(iter(algorithms)), description='', label='Algorithm') ImageFiltering_abstract.generate_parameters( parameters, options_types, options_default) inputs = Ports( [ImagePort('source image to filter', name='source'), ] ) outputs = Ports([ ImagePort('result after filtering', name='resultA'), ImagePort('result after filtering', name='resultB'), ]) __doc__ = ImageFiltering_abstract.generate_docstring( description, algorithms, options_list, inputs, outputs) def execute(self, node_context): source_obj = node_context.input['source'] source = source_obj.get_image() params = node_context.parameters alg_name = params['algorithm'].value if len(source.shape) == 3 and source.shape[2] > 1: multichannel_image = True else: multichannel_image = False alg = self.algorithms[alg_name]['algorithm'] if (multichannel_image and not self.algorithms[alg_name]['multi_chromatic']): # Process each channel separately imA1, imB1 = alg(source[:, :, 0], params) imA = np.zeros(imA1.shape[:2]+(source.shape[2],)) imB = np.zeros(imB1.shape[:2]+(source.shape[2],)) imA[:, :, 0] = imA1 imB[:, :, 0] = imA1 for channel in range(1, source.shape[2]): result = alg(source[:, :, channel], params) imA[:, :, channel], imB[:, :, channel] = result else: # Process all channels at once if len(source.shape) == 3 and source.shape[2] == 1: source = source.reshape(source.shape[:2]) imA, imB = alg(source, params) node_context.output['resultA'].set_image(imA) node_context.output['resultB'].set_image(imB)