Source code for node_figure

# This file is part of Sympathy for Data.
# Copyright (c) 2016-2017, Combine Control Systems AB
# Sympathy for Data is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Sympathy for Data is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Sympathy for Data.  If not, see <>.
import numpy as np

from sympathy import api
from sympathy.api import node as synode
from sympathy.api import qt2 as qt_compat
from sympathy.api import node_helper
from sympathy.api.nodeconfig import Port, Ports, Tag, Tags, adjust

from sympathy.utils import preview

from sylib.figure import drawing, gui, mpl_utils, copying

QtCore = qt_compat.QtCore
QtGui = qt_compat.QtGui


[docs]class FigureCompressor(synode.Node): """ Compress a list of Figures into one Figure. """ author = 'Benedikt Ziegler' version = '0.3' icon = 'figurecompressor.svg' name = 'Figure Compressor' description = 'Compress a list of Figures to a single Figure' nodeid = 'org.sysess.sympathy.visualize.figurecompressorgui' tags = Tags(Tag.Visual.Figure) related = _RELATED_NODEIDS parameters = synode.parameters() parameters.set_list( 'parent_figure', label='Parent figure:', description='Specify the figure from which axes parameters ' 'and legend position are copied.', editor=synode.editors.combo_editor()) parameters.set_boolean( 'join_legends', value=True, label='Join legends', description='Set if legends from different axes should be ' 'joined into one legend.') parameters.set_list( 'legend_location', value=[0], label='Legend position:', plist=list(mpl_utils.LEGEND_LOC.keys()) + mpl_utils.OUTSIDE_LEGEND_LOC, description='Defines the position of the joined legend.', editor=synode.editors.combo_editor()) parameters.set_boolean( 'join_colorbars', value=False, label='Make first colorbar global', description='If checked, the colorbar from the first figure becomes ' 'a global colorbar in the output figure.') parameters.set_boolean( 'auto_recolor', value=False, label='Auto recolor', description='Automatically recolor all artists to avoid using a color ' 'multiple times, if possible.') parameters.set_boolean( 'auto_rescale', value=True, label='Auto rescale axes', description='Automatically rescale all axes to fit the visible data.') controllers = ( synode.controller( when=synode.field('join_legends', 'checked'), action=synode.field('legend_location', 'enabled'))) inputs = Ports([Port.Figures('List of Figures', name='input')]) outputs = Ports([Port.Figure( 'A Figure with the configured axes, lines, labels, etc', name='figure')]) def adjust_parameters(self, node_context): adjust(node_context.parameters['parent_figure'], node_context.input['input'], lists='index') def execute(self, node_context): input_figures = node_context.input['input'] output_figure = node_context.output['figure'] parameters = node_context.parameters try: parent_figure_number = int(parameters['parent_figure'].selected) except Exception: parent_figure_number = 0 input_axes = [figure.get_mpl_figure().axes for figure in input_figures] default_output_axes = output_figure.first_subplot().get_mpl_axes() axes_colorbars = copying.compress_axes( input_axes, default_output_axes, parameters['join_legends'].value, parameters['legend_location'].selected, int(parent_figure_number), auto_recolor=parameters['auto_recolor'].value, auto_rescale=parameters['auto_rescale'].value, add_colorbars=not parameters['join_colorbars'].value) if parameters['join_colorbars'].value: copying.add_global_colorbar(axes_colorbars, output_figure)
[docs]class SubplotFigures(synode.Node): """ Layout the Figures in a list of Figures into subplots. The number of rows and columns is automatically adjusted to an approximate square. Empty axes in a non-empty row will be not shown. """ author = 'Benedikt Ziegler' version = '0.2' icon = 'figuresubplots.svg' name = 'Layout Figures in Subplots' description = 'Layout a list of Figures in a Subplot' nodeid = 'org.sysess.sympathy.visualize.figuresubplot' tags = Tags(Tag.Visual.Figure) related = _RELATED_NODEIDS inputs = Ports([Port.Figures('List of Figures', name='input')]) outputs = Ports([Port.Figure( 'A Figure with several subplot axes', name='figure')]) parameters = synode.parameters() parameters.set_integer( 'rows', value=0, label='Number of rows', description='Specify the number of rows, or 0 for auto.' 'If rows and columns are both 0, the node with attempt ' 'to create an approximately square layout.', editor=synode.editors.bounded_spinbox_editor(0, 100, 1)) parameters.set_integer( 'columns', value=0, label='Number of columns', description='Specify the number of columns, or 0 for auto.' 'If rows and columns are both 0, the node with attempt ' 'to create an approximately square layout.', editor=synode.editors.bounded_spinbox_editor(0, 100, 1)) parameters.set_boolean( 'recolor', value=False, label='Auto recolor', description='Specify if artists should be assigned new colors ' 'automatically to prevent duplicate colors.') # TODO(magnus): Using string here for compat with adjust(lists=index). parameters.set_string( 'parent_figure', value='0', label='Parent figure:', description='Specify the figure from which colorbar ' 'and legend are copied.', editor=synode.editors.combo_editor()) parameters.set_boolean( 'join_colorbars', value=False, label="Make parent's colorbar global", description='If checked, the colorbar from the parent figure is ' 'placed as a global colorbar for all subplots. ' 'Note that it is up to you to make sure that the colorbar ' 'is actually valid for all subplots.') parameters.set_boolean( 'join_legends', value=False, label="Make parent's legend global", description='If checked, the legend(s) in the first figure are ' 'kept as global legends and all other legends are ' 'discarded. Note that it is up to you to make sure that ' 'the legend is actually valid for all subplots.') parameters.set_string( 'share_x_axes', value='none', label='Share X axes', description='If None, each subplot has an independent X axis. ' 'Othewise, subplots will share X axis, meaning that ' 'zooming/panning in one subplot also affects other ' 'subplots.', editor=synode.editors.combo_editor( options={'none': 'None', 'col': 'Per column', 'all': 'All'})) parameters.set_string( 'share_y_axes', value='none', label='Share Y axes', description='If None, each subplot has an independent Y axis. ' 'Othewise, subplots will share Y axis, meaning that ' 'zooming/panning in one subplot also affects other ' 'subplots.', editor=synode.editors.combo_editor( options={'none': 'None', 'row': 'Per row', 'all': 'All'})) def update_parameters(self, params): # Removed in 1.6.2: if 'remove_internal_ticks' in params: del params['remove_internal_ticks'] def adjust_parameters(self, node_context): adjust(node_context.parameters['parent_figure'], node_context.input['input'], lists='index') def execute(self, node_context): input_figures = node_context.input['input'] output_figure = node_context.output['figure'] parameters = node_context.parameters rows = parameters['rows'].value cols = parameters['columns'].value auto_recolor = parameters['recolor'].value parent_figure = int(parameters['parent_figure'].value) global_colorbar = parameters['join_colorbars'].value global_legend = parameters['join_legends'].value sharex = parameters['share_x_axes'].value sharey = parameters['share_y_axes'].value # calculate the number of rows and columns if any is =0 nb_input_figures = len(input_figures) if rows == 0 and cols == 0: rows = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(nb_input_figures))) cols = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(nb_input_figures))) if rows * cols - cols >= nb_input_figures > 0: rows -= 1 elif rows == 0 and cols > 0: rows = int(np.ceil(nb_input_figures / float(cols))) elif rows > 0 and cols == 0: cols = int(np.ceil(nb_input_figures / float(rows))) if sharex == 'none' and sharey == 'none': auto_rescale = False elif sharex == 'none': auto_rescale = 'y' elif sharey == 'none': auto_rescale = 'x' else: auto_rescale = True subplots = np.array(output_figure.subplots( rows, cols, sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey)).ravel() figure_colorbars = {} for i, (subplot, input_figure) in reversed(list(enumerate( zip(subplots, input_figures)))): default_axes = subplot.get_mpl_axes() input_axes = [axes.get_mpl_axes() for axes in input_figure.axes] axes_colorbars = copying.compress_axes( [input_axes], default_axes, legends_join=False, legend_location='best', copy_properties_from=0, auto_recolor=auto_recolor, auto_rescale=auto_rescale, add_colorbars=not global_colorbar, add_legends=(i == parent_figure or not global_legend)) figure_colorbars[i] = axes_colorbars if global_colorbar and parent_figure in figure_colorbars: copying.add_global_colorbar( figure_colorbars[parent_figure], output_figure) # don't show empty axes if len(subplots) > len(input_figures): for ax_to_blank in subplots[len(input_figures):]: ax_to_blank.set_axis(False)
MPL_TEMPLATES_DOCS = """ Templates ========= When opening the configuration for this node for the first time it will give you a selection of templates for easily getting started with some common plot configurations. Clicking on the tools button from the template selection or from inside a template configuration gui lets you go to the tree view to see the current configuration and modify it to suit your needs. This is a great way to quickly create a plot or to learn how to do some specific things in the tree view. """ MPL_PLOT_TYPE_DOCS = """ Bar plots and histograms ------------------------ Bar plots and histograms are pretty similar plots. The difference lies in how their x axis data is structured. The bar plot has distinct labels for each bin, whereas each bin in a histogram lies between two points on a continuous line. To get data on the correct format for a histogram plot you can use the node :ref:`org.sysess.sympathy.dataanalysis.histogramcalc` as a preprocessing node. Use a *Bar Container* if you want to combine multiple bar plots by grouping or stacking them. The bar plots should all have the same *Bar Labels*. Please note that stacked bar plots are only situationally useful since it's very difficult to gauge the heights of the individual bar parts. Use a *Histogram Container* if you want to combine multiple histograms by stacking them on top of each other. Please note that stacked histograms are only situationally useful since it can be very difficult to read the distributions of the individual histograms. Heatmaps -------- Heatmaps are two-dimensional histograms. To get data on the correct format for a heatmap plot you can use the node :ref:`org.sysess.sympathy.dataanalysis.heatmapcalc` as a preprocessing node. Box plots --------- Box plots are good for comparing different distributions of data. The box plot is special in that it expects a *list* of arrays as data. It can for example be specified as ``[arg['Column A'], arg['Column B']]`` or with a list comprehension ``[arg[col_name] for col_name in arg.column_names()]``. Pie charts ---------- Pie charts can be used to show parts of a whole, but are generally considered inferior to e.g. bar plots. If you use a pie chart you will also want to set the *Aspect ratio* of the *Axes* to 'equal'. Otherwise your pie chart will be very hard to read accurately. """ MPL_LEGEND_OUTSIDE_DOCS = """ It is possible to place the legend outside of the axes, but you might need to tweak the *Distance from Axes* property to get it to look just right for your specific plot. """ MPL_RELATED_NODES_DOCS = """ This node can not create subplots, but by creating multiple figure objects you can use the node :ref:`org.sysess.sympathy.visualize.figuresubplot` to arrange them as subplots. Use the node :ref:`Export figures` to write the figures you produce to files. :ref:`org.sysess.sympathy.visualize.figurecompressorgui` can be used to combine multiple figures into a single figure. For creating interactive figures with the bokeh backend see :ref:`org.sysess.sympathy.visualize.bokehfigure`. """
[docs]class Figure(synode.Node): __doc__ = gui.DOCS.format( templates=MPL_TEMPLATES_DOCS, extra_plot_types=MPL_PLOT_TYPE_DOCS, legend_outside=MPL_LEGEND_OUTSIDE_DOCS, related_nodes=MPL_RELATED_NODES_DOCS, ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._in_preview = False super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) author = 'Benedikt Ziegler & Magnus Sandén' version = '0.1' icon = 'figure.svg' name = 'Figure' description = 'Create a Figure from some data.' nodeid = 'org.sysess.sympathy.visualize.figure' tags = Tags(Tag.Visual.Figure) related = _RELATED_NODEIDS parameters = synode.parameters() parameters.set_json( 'parameters', value={}, description='The full configuration for this figure.') inputs = Ports([Port.Custom('<a>', 'Input', name='input')]) outputs = Ports([ Port.Figure('Output figure', name='figure', preview=True)]) def _parameter_view(self, node_context, input_data): figure_widget = gui.FigureFromTableWidget( input_data, node_context.parameters['parameters'], backend=mpl_utils.matplotlib_backend, validate=mpl_utils.matplotlib_validator) preview_widget = preview.PreviewWidget( self, node_context, node_context.parameters) widget = preview.ParameterPreviewWidget( figure_widget, preview_widget) return widget def exec_parameter_view(self, node_context): input_data = node_context.input['input'] if not input_data.is_valid(): input_data = api.table.File() return self._parameter_view(node_context, input_data) def execute(self, node_context): data_table = node_context.input['input'] figure = node_context.output['figure'] config_table ='config') if len(config_table) > 0: config_table = config_table[0] else: config_table = None parameters = node_context.parameters['parameters'].value figure_creator = drawing.CreateFigure(data_table, figure, parameters) figure_creator.create_figure()
[docs]@node_helper.list_node_decorator(['input'], ['figure']) class Figures(Figure): name = 'Figures' nodeid = 'org.sysess.sympathy.visualize.figures' def _parameter_view_no_preview(self, node_context, input_data): figure_widget = gui.FigureFromTableWidget( input_data, node_context.parameters['parameters'], backend=mpl_utils.matplotlib_backend) preview_widget = preview.NullPreviewWidget( '<b>Preview requires non-empty input list</b>') preview_widget.setWordWrap(True) preview_widget.setAlignment( QtCore.Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignTop) widget = preview.ParameterPreviewWidget( figure_widget, preview_widget) return widget def exec_parameter_view(self, node_context): input_data = node_context.input['input'] if input_data.is_valid() and len(input_data): return self._parameter_view(node_context, input_data[0]) else: input_data = api.table.File() return self._parameter_view_no_preview(node_context, input_data)