Source code for node_detrend

# This file is part of Sympathy for Data.
# Copyright (c) 2013 2017, Combine Control Systems AB
# Sympathy for Data is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Sympathy for Data is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Sympathy for Data.  If not, see <>.
import numpy as np

from sympathy.api import qt2 as qt_compat

if True:  # noqa: E402
    # Workaround imports not at top of file due to use_matplotlib_qt
    from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg import (
        NavigationToolbar2QT as NavigationToolbar)
    from matplotlib.figure import Figure

    from sympathy.api import node_helper
    from sympathy.api import node as synode
    from sympathy.api.nodeconfig import Port, Ports, Tag, Tags
    from sympathy.platform.version_support import figure_canvas_qt

QtCore = qt_compat.QtCore
QtGui = qt_compat.import_module('QtGui')
QtWidgets = qt_compat.import_module('QtWidgets')

def get_adaf_info(adaffile):
    Get dict with whole timebasis names as keys and recarrays
    with timeseries and timebasis as values
    tb_ts_dict = {}
    tb_dict = {}

    def signal_iter():
        for system_name, system in adaffile.sys.items():
            for raster_name, raster in system.items():
                for signal_name, signal in raster.items():
                    yield signal_name, signal

    for ts_key, ts in signal_iter():
        tb_name = (str(ts.system_name()) + '/' +
                   str(ts.raster_name()) + '/')
        except Exception:
            tb_dict[tb_name] = (
                {'raster_name': ts.raster_name(),
                 'system_name': ts.system_name(), 'tb': ts.t,
                 'attr': dict(ts.basis().attr.items())})
            ts_info = tb_ts_dict[tb_name]
            ts_info[str(ts_key)] = {'ts': ts.y,
                                    'attr': dict(ts.signal().attr.items())}
        except Exception:
            tb_ts_dict[tb_name] = (
                {str(ts_key): {'ts': ts.y,
                               'attr': dict(ts.signal().attr.items())}})
    return tb_ts_dict, tb_dict

def write_meta_result(in_adaffile, out_adaffile):
    """Copy meta and result from in file to out file."""

def write_timeseries(parameter_root, in_adaffile, out_adaffile,
                     tb_ts_dict, tb_dict):
    selected_tb = parameter_root['tb'].selected
    selected_ts = parameter_root['ts'].value_names
    tb_group = out_adaffile.sys
    system_dict = {}
    for tb in tb_ts_dict.keys():
            system = tb_group.create(str(tb_dict[tb]['system_name']))
            system_dict[tb_dict[tb]['system_name']] = system
        except Exception:
            system = system_dict[tb_dict[tb]['system_name']]
        raster = system.create(str(tb_dict[tb]['raster_name']))
        raster.create_basis(tb_dict[tb]['tb'], tb_dict[tb]['attr'])
        if tb == selected_tb:
            for ts in tb_ts_dict[tb].keys():
                # Or add ts from trend, not overwrite exoisting ts??!?!?
                if ts not in selected_ts:
                        ts, tb_ts_dict[tb][ts]['ts'],
                    tb_data = tb_dict[tb]['tb']
                    ts_data = tb_ts_dict[tb][ts]['ts']
                    if (np.all(np.isreal(tb_data)) and
                        ts_new, _ = detrend_data(
                            tb_data, ts_data,
                            ts, ts_new, tb_ts_dict[tb][ts]['attr'])
                            ts, ts_data, tb_ts_dict[tb][ts]['attr'])
                    # TODO if signal can't be detrended. What to do?!
            for ts in tb_ts_dict[tb].keys():
                    ts, tb_ts_dict[tb][ts]['ts'], tb_ts_dict[tb][ts]['attr'])

def check_consistence(node_context, tb_ts_dict, tb_dict):
    """Check if items in widgest are constistent with input file."""
    parameters = node_context.parameters
    if tb_ts_dict is None or tb_dict is None or tb_ts_dict == {}:
        return False
    if (sorted(parameters['tb'].list) == sorted(tb_dict.keys()) and
            sorted(parameters['ts'].list) == sorted(
        return True
        return False

def detrend_data(tb, ts, detrend_function):
    """Detrend data."""
    trend = get_trend(tb, ts, detrend_function)
    ts_new = ts - trend
    return ts_new, trend

def get_trend(tb, ts, detrend_function):
    """Fit ploynomial to data points. detrend_function index for
    degree of ploynomial.
        deg = get_functions().index(detrend_function)
    except Exception:
        deg = 0
    poly_coeff = np.polyfit(tb, ts, deg)
    trend = np.polyval(poly_coeff, tb)
    return trend

def get_functions():
    functions = ['Constant', 'Linear', '2nd degree poly', '3rd degree poly',
                 '4th degree poly']
    return functions

def cooks_distance(tb, ts, detrend_function, trend=None):
    """Calculates cooks distance function."""
    if trend is None:
        trend = get_trend(tb, ts, detrend_function)
    n = len(ts)
    mse = 1.0 / n * np.sum((trend - ts) ** 2)
    d = np.zeros(n, 1)
    p = detrend_function + 1
    for ind in range(n):
        trend_ind = np.delete(trend, [ind])
        ts_new = np.delete(ts, [ind])
        tb_new = np.delete(tb, [ind])
        trend_new = get_trend(tb_new, ts_new, detrend_function)
        d[ind] = np.sum((trend_ind - trend_new) ** 2) / (p * mse)
    return d, trend

def simple_detrend(tb, ts, detrend_function, trend=None):
    if trend is None:
        trend = get_trend(tb, ts, detrend_function)
    ts_new = ts - trend
    return ts_new, trend

def sigma_detrend(tb, ts, detrend_function, trend=None):
    if trend is None:
        trend = get_trend(tb, ts, detrend_function)
    sigma = np.std(ts - trend)
    ts_new = (ts - trend) / sigma
    return ts_new, trend

def _get_single_tb_editor():
    return synode.editors.combo_editor('', filter=True, edit=False)

[docs]class DetrendADAF(synode.Node): """ To identify and remove trends in data is an important tool in data analysis. For example, large background values can be reduced in order to obtain a better view of variations in the data. In this node, trends of polynomial nature can be identified and removed from the timeseries of the input :ref:`ADAF`. The method used to identify the trend is an ordinary least square fit of the selected order of polynomial. The polynomial trend is then subtracted from the timeseries. For the node several timeseries belonging to a selected timebasis can be selected for detrending. Keep in mind that the same order of the detrend polynomials will be used even when several timeseries have been selected. The selected timeseries arrays are replaced by the detrended result in the output. """ name = 'Detrend ADAF' author = 'Helena Olen' tags = Tags(Tag.Analysis.SignalProcessing) icon = 'detrend.svg' inputs = Ports([Port.ADAF('Input ADAF', name='port1')]) outputs = Ports([Port.ADAF( 'Output ADAF with detrended data', name='port1')]) parameters = synode.parameters() tb_editor = _get_single_tb_editor() tb_editor.set_attribute('filter', True) ts_editor = synode.editors.multilist_editor(mode=False) parameters.set_list( 'tb', label="Timebasis", description='Choose a raster to select timeseries columns from', value=[0], editor=tb_editor) parameters.set_list( 'ts', label="Timeseries columns to detrend", description='Choose one or many timeseries columns to detrend', value=[0], editor=ts_editor) parameters.set_list( 'detrend_function', plist=get_functions(), label='Detrend function', value=[0], description='Function used to detrend data', editor=synode.editors.combo_editor()) parameters.set_list( 'y_axis', label='Signal to preview', description='Y axis combobox', editor=synode.editors.combo_editor()) description = 'Remove trends from timeseries data' nodeid = '' related = [''] def update_parameters(self, old_params): param = 'tb' if param in old_params: old_params[param].editor = _get_single_tb_editor() param = 'ts' if param in old_params: old_params[param].editor['mode'] = False def exec_parameter_view(self, node_context): """Create the parameter view.""" tb_ts_dict = None tb_dict = None if node_context.input['port1'].is_valid(): tb_ts_dict, tb_dict = get_adaf_info(node_context.input['port1']) else: tb_ts_dict, tb_dict = {}, {} assert tb_ts_dict is not None return DetrendWidget(node_context, tb_ts_dict, tb_dict) def execute(self, node_context): """Execute.""" in_adaffile = node_context.input['port1'] out_adaffile = node_context.output['port1'] tb_ts_dict, tb_dict = get_adaf_info(in_adaffile) write_meta_result(in_adaffile, out_adaffile) write_timeseries( node_context.parameters, in_adaffile, out_adaffile, tb_ts_dict, tb_dict)
[docs]@node_helper.list_node_decorator(['port1'], ['port1']) class DetrendADAFs(DetrendADAF): name = 'Detrend ADAFs' nodeid = ''
class DetrendWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget): """A widget containing a TimeBasisWidget and a ListSelectorWidget.""" def __init__( self, node_context, tb_ts_dict, tb_dict, parent=None): super().__init__() self._node_context = node_context self._tb_ts_dict = tb_ts_dict self._tb_dict = tb_dict self._parameters = node_context.parameters self._figure = None self._axes = None self._canvas = None self._toolbar = None self._init_gui() def _init_gui(self): self._pre_init_gui_from_parameters() self._tb_selection = self._parameters['tb'].gui() self._ts_selection = self._parameters['ts'].gui() self._detrend_function = self._parameters['detrend_function'].gui() selection_vlayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() selection_vlayout.addWidget(self._detrend_function) selection_vlayout.addWidget(self._tb_selection) selection_vlayout.addWidget(self._ts_selection) self._y_axis = self._parameters['y_axis'].gui() axes_hlayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() axes_hlayout.addWidget(self._y_axis) self._figure = Figure() self._axes = self._figure.add_subplot(111) self._canvas = figure_canvas_qt(self._figure) policy = QtWidgets.QSizePolicy() policy.setHorizontalStretch(1) policy.setVerticalStretch(1) policy.setHorizontalPolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Policy.Expanding) policy.setVerticalPolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Policy.Expanding) self._canvas.setSizePolicy(policy) self._toolbar = NavigationToolbar(self._canvas, self) plot_vlayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() plot_vlayout.addLayout(axes_hlayout) plot_vlayout.addWidget(self._canvas) plot_vlayout.addWidget(self._toolbar) hlayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() hlayout.addLayout(selection_vlayout) hlayout.addLayout(plot_vlayout) layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() layout.addLayout(hlayout) self.setLayout(layout) self._init_gui_from_parameters() self._tb_selection.editor().valueChanged.connect( self._tb_selection_changed) self._ts_selection.editor().valueChanged.connect( self._ts_selection_changed) self._detrend_function.editor().currentIndexChanged.connect( self._detrend_function_changed) self._y_axis.editor().currentIndexChanged.connect(self._y_axis_changed) def _pre_init_gui_from_parameters(self): self._parameters['tb'].list = self._tb_ts_dict.keys() try: self._parameters['ts'].list = self._tb_ts_dict[ self._parameters['tb'].selected].keys() except KeyError: self._parameters['ts'].list = [] def _init_gui_from_parameters(self): self._update_figure() def _ts_selection_changed(self): self._y_axis.editor().blockSignals(True) selected_items = self._parameters['ts'].value_names self._y_axis.editor().clear() if selected_items != []: self._y_axis.editor().addItems(selected_items) self._update_figure() self._y_axis.editor().blockSignals(False) def _detrend_function_changed(self, ind): self._update_figure() def _y_axis_changed(self, ind): self._update_figure() def _tb_selection_changed(self,): self._y_axis.editor().blockSignals(True) self._ts_selection.editor().clear() self._ts_selection.editor().addItems(list( self._tb_ts_dict[self._parameters['tb'].selected].keys())) self._y_axis.editor().clear() self._y_axis.editor().addItems(self._parameters['ts'].value_names) # New ts -> have to update figure self._update_figure() self._y_axis.editor().blockSignals(False) def _update_figure(self): """Update figure.""" self._axes.clear() try: tb = self._tb_dict[self._parameters['tb'].selected]['tb'] except KeyError: tb = True if (tb is not None and self._parameters['y_axis'].selected): selected_y = self._parameters['y_axis'].selected selected_x = self._parameters['tb'].selected if selected_y is not None and selected_x is not None: try: ts = (self._tb_ts_dict[self._parameters['tb'].selected] [selected_y]['ts']) except KeyError: ts = None if (ts is not None and np.all(np.isreal(tb)) and np.all(np.isreal(ts))): ts_new, ts_trend = detrend_data( tb, ts, self._parameters['detrend_function'].selected) # TODO add grey color self._axes.plot(tb, ts_trend, '--', label='Trend') self._axes.plot(tb, ts, '-', label='Original') self._axes.plot(tb, ts_new, '-', label='Detrended') self._axes.legend() self._axes.set_xlabel( self._tb_dict[selected_x]['raster_name']) self._axes.set_ylabel(selected_y) self._canvas.draw()