Lookup Tables


Take rows from the lookup table in the order defined by the control table.


Auto generated list version of Lookup Table.

In this version, the following ports from the original nodes have been changed to lists which the node loops over:

Looped Inputs:


Looped Outputs:


For details see the original node.


Input ports

lookup table

Lookup table

lookupee [table]

Control table

Output ports

out [table]

Result table


Copy input (copy_input)

Copy the columns from the control table to the output giving them priority over columns from lookup table in case of same column names.

Event column (event_column)

Stores the index of the column pair which is to be matched as events, or -1 if no such column pair has been selected.

Control columns (lookupee_columns)

A list storing columns in the control table used for matching. At each index there is a corresponding entry in template_columns.

Use zero-like values instead of masks (nomasks)

When unchecked rows that can not be matched will be masked. When checked such rows are instead assigned 0, 0.0, False, “”, etc. depending on the type of the value column.

Require perfect match (perfect_match)

If checked, each row in the control table has to match exactly one row in the lookup table.

Lookup columns (template_columns)

A list storing columns in the lookup table used for matching. At each index there is a corresponding entry in lookupee_columns.


class node_lookup_table.LookupTablesNode[source]