Replace values in Tables with Table


Search and replace values in specified columns table with search expressions from a table


Auto generated list version of Replace values in Table with Table.

In this version, the following ports from the original nodes have been changed to lists which the node loops over:

Looped Inputs:


Looped Outputs:


For details see the original node.


Input ports

expressions table


data [table]

Table Data

Output ports

data [table]

Table with replaced values


Columns to replace values in (column)

Select in which to perform replace

Column with search expressions (find)

Select which column contains search expressions

Ignore case (ignore_case)

Ignore case when searching

Text replace only (using regex) (literal)

Perform regex replacements in string columns, i.e., columns with types text and bytes, other columns are ignored. Disable this option to replace full values, without using regex across all types of columns. Learn more about Regular expression syntax in the documentation appendix.

Column with replace expressions (replace)

Select which column contains replacements


class node_table_value_search_replace.TableValueSearchReplaceWithTableMultiple[source]