Table to ADAF


Convert a Table into an ADAF, placing its content in the specified container.


The target container in the ADAF is specified in the configuration GUI. If the timeseries container is chosen it is necessary to specify the column in the Table which will be the time basis signal in the ADAF. You can also specify the name of the system and raster containers.

See also Working with ADAF for tips about how to use these conversion nodes.


Input ports

port1 table

Input Table

Output ports

port1 adaf

ADAF with data in input Table


Target group (export_to_group)

Choose a container in the ADAF as target

Raster name (raster)

Specify name of the created raster in the ADAF

System name (system)

Specify name of the created system in the ADAF

Time basis column (tb)

Select a column in the Table which will become the time basis of the new raster



class node_table2adaf.Table2ADAF[source]