Source code for node_index_table

# This file is part of Sympathy for Data.
# Copyright (c) 2018, Combine Control Systems AB
# Sympathy for Data is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Sympathy for Data is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Sympathy for Data.  If not, see <>.
import numpy as np

from sympathy.api import node
from sympathy.api.exceptions import SyDataError
from sympathy.api.nodeconfig import Port, Ports, Tag, Tags, adjust

def _get_single_col_editor():
    return node.Util.combo_editor('', filter=True, edit=True)

[docs]class IndexTable(node.Node): name = 'Index table' description = ( 'Uses index-table to perform row indexation from value-table.\n' 'No other datatypes than integer or boolean are allowed in the index ' 'column') author = 'Mathias Broxvall' version = '0.1' icon = 'lookup.svg' nodeid = '' tags = Tags(Tag.DataProcessing.TransformStructure) inputs = Ports([ Port.Table('Value table', name='value'), Port.Table('Index table', name='index') ]) outputs = Ports([ Port.Table('Result table', name='out') ]) editor = _get_single_col_editor() parameters = node.parameters() parameters.set_list( 'index column', label='Select indexing column', description='Select column used for indexing.', value=[], editor=editor) parameters.set_boolean( 'at_one', label='Start at one', description='Start indexing at one, otherwise at zero', value=False) parameters.set_list( 'operation', label='Operation', list=['Include', 'Exclude'], value=[0], description='If to include or exclude rows', editor=node.Util.combo_editor().value()) def update_parameters(self, old_params): param = 'index column' if param in old_params: old_params[param].editor = _get_single_col_editor() def execute(self, node_context): index_tbl = node_context.input['index'] value_tbl = node_context.input['value'] out_tbl = node_context.output['out'] at_one = node_context.parameters['at_one'].value exclude = node_context.parameters['operation'].selected == 'Exclude' index_col = node_context.parameters['index column'].selected if index_col: indices = index_tbl[index_col] else: indices = index_tbl[index_tbl.column_names()[0]] if indices.dtype.kind == 'i': try: fail = at_one and np.min( < 1 except ValueError: fail = False if fail: raise SyDataError('Start at one requires integer column ' 'with values >= 1.') indices = indices - at_one elif at_one: raise SyDataError('Invalid datatype {} in index column. ' 'Start at one requires integer column.' .format(indices.dtype)) if indices.dtype.kind not in ['b', 'i']: raise SyDataError('Invalid datatype {} in index column' .format(indices.dtype)) for col in value_tbl.cols(): if exclude: mask = np.ones([0], dtype=bool) mask[indices] = False out_tbl.set_column_from_array(,[mask]) else: out_tbl.set_column_from_array(,[indices]) def adjust_parameters(self, node_context): adjust(node_context.parameters['index column'], node_context.input['index'])
[docs]class CreateIndexTable(node.Node): """ Create an index column for table data. The name of the resulting index column depends on the *name* parameter and its values are computed depending on the *method* used and the *columns* selected. """ name = 'Create Index Table' description = 'Create an index column for table data' icon = 'lookup.svg' nodeid = '' tags = Tags(Tag.DataProcessing.Index) inputs = Ports([ Port.Table('Input table', name='input'), ]) outputs = Ports([ Port.Table('Output table', name='output') ]) _enumerate_rows, _enumerate_unique = _options = [ 'Enumerate rows', 'Enumerate unique rows'] parameters = node.parameters() parameters.set_string( 'method', label='Select index creation method', description='Select method used for index creation.', value=_enumerate_rows, editor=node.Editors.combo_editor(options=_options)) parameters.set_list( 'columns', label='Select columns', description='Select columns used for building the index.', value=[], editor=node.Editors.multilist_editor(edit=True)) parameters.set_string( 'name', label='Name of index column', description='Select name for index column.', value='index') controllers = node.controller( when=node.field('method', 'value', value=_enumerate_rows), action=node.field('columns', 'disabled')) def execute(self, node_context): input_ = node_context.input['input'] output = node_context.output['output'] output.source(input_) method = node_context.parameters['method'].value name = node_context.parameters['name'].value method = node_context.parameters['method'].value if method == self._enumerate_rows: output[name] = np.arange(input_.number_of_rows()) elif method == self._enumerate_unique: selected_names = node_context.parameters['columns'].selected_names( input_.column_names()) unique = {} indices = [] count = 0 for values in zip(*[input_[col].tolist() for col in selected_names]): values = tuple(values) i = unique.get(values) if i is not None: indices.append(i) else: unique[values] = count indices.append(count) count += 1 output[name] = np.array(indices) def adjust_parameters(self, node_context): adjust(node_context.parameters['columns'], node_context.input['input'])