Source code for node_create_json

# This file is part of Sympathy for Data.
# Copyright (c) 2017, Combine Control Systems AB
# Sympathy for Data is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Sympathy for Data is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Sympathy for Data.  If not, see <>.
import json

import numpy as np

from sympathy.api import node as synode
from sympathy.api import node_helper
from sympathy.api.nodeconfig import Port, Ports, Tag, Tags
from sympathy.api import exceptions
from sympathy.platform import parameter_helper_gui

[docs]class CreateParameters(synode.Node): """ Manually Create a Sympathy parameter structure by writing a python expression which modifies the parameters variable using the sympathy parameter api (same class as nodes use to create their parameters). Example: .. code-block:: python parameters.set_integer( 'number', description='Description of the number parameter.', value=1) parameters.set_string( 'string', description='Description of the string parameter.', value="1") parameters.set_integer( 'bounded_number', label='Bounded number', description='Description of the bounded_nummber parameter.', value=0, editor=synode.editors.bounded_lineedit_editor( 0, 4)) In order to create editors and doing some other operations, synode is defined when the code is evaluated. Optional input port, named arg, can be used in the code. Have a look at the :ref:`Data type APIs<datatypeapis>` to see what methods and attributes are available on the data type that you are working with. The Evaluation context contains *parameters* of type ParameterRoot, *synode* - which is the module obtained from sympathy.api.node, and optionally *arg* which is a sympathy datatype subclass of TypeAlias or sybase (builtin). """ name = 'Manually Create JSON Parameters' author = 'Erik der Hagopian' version = '0.1' icon = 'create_json.svg' tags = Tags(Tag.Generic.Configuration) nodeid = 'org.sysess.sympathy.create.createparameters' inputs = Ports([Port.Custom('<a>', 'Input', name='arg', n=(0, 1))]) outputs = Ports([Port.Json('Output', name='output')]) parameters = synode.parameters() parameters.set_string( 'code', label='Parameters:', description='Python code that modifies the parameter structure.', value='', editor=synode.Util.code_editor().value()) def execute(self, node_context): inputs ='arg') arg = inputs[0] if inputs else None parameters = synode.parameters() env = {'arg': arg, 'synode': synode, 'parameters': parameters} eval(compile(node_context.parameters['code'].value, '<string>', 'exec'), env, env) node_context.output[0].set(parameters.parameter_dict)
[docs]class ConfigureJsonParameters(synode.Node): """ Configure JSON parameters. The input parameters are likely created by :ref:`Manually Create JSON Parameters` and follows the serialization format used for Sympathy parameters. The node stores configured changes and uses them to modify the parameter structure from the input port. When data from the input port is unavailable, the stored parameters will be used in full. Execute simply outputs the resulting parameters as JSON, and by adding the optional output *Table Parameters*, scalar parameters from the output can be made available in a flat (single row) table. """ name = 'Configure JSON Parameters' author = 'Erik der Hagopian' version = '0.1' icon = 'create_json.svg' tags = Tags(Tag.Generic.Configuration) nodeid = 'org.sysess.sympathy.create.configureparameters' inputs = Ports([Port.Json('Json Parameters', name='json_parameters')]) outputs = Ports( [Port.Json('Json Parameters', name='json_parameters'), Port.Custom('table', 'Table Parameters', name='table_parameters', n=(0, 1, 0))]) parameters = synode.parameters() @classmethod def _update(cls, param, data): if param: if param['type'] in ['group', 'page']: for k, v in data.items(): param_ = param.get(k) if param_ and isinstance(param_, dict): cls._update(param_, v) else: refresh = [ 'type', 'order', 'label', 'description', 'editor'] if param['type'] == 'list': refresh.extend(['list', 'value']) list_ = list(param.get('list', [])) value = [] try: value_names = data['value_names'] value = [list_.index(v) for v in value_names if v in list_] except Exception: pass param['value'] = value param['list'] = list_ for k, v in data.items(): if k not in refresh: param[k] = v @classmethod def _prune(cls, param): def prune_names(param): return set(param).difference( ['editor', 'order', 'description']) if not isinstance(param, dict): return param elif param['type'] in ['group', 'page']: return {k: cls._prune(param[k]) for k in prune_names(param.keys())} else: return {k: param[k] for k in prune_names(param.keys())} def _updated_parameters(self, node_context): parameters = node_context.parameters try: port_parameters_data = node_context.input[ 'json_parameters'].get() except exceptions.NoDataError: # Keep stored parameters. pass else: # Update port_parameters with stored parameters and # store updated parameters. port_parameters = synode.parameters( port_parameters_data, parameter_helper_gui.WidgetBuildingVisitor) self._update( port_parameters.parameter_dict, parameters.parameter_dict) parameters.parameter_dict.clear() parameters.parameter_dict.update(port_parameters.parameter_dict) parameters = port_parameters return parameters def exec_parameter_view(self, node_context): parameters = self._updated_parameters(node_context) gui = parameters.gui() return gui def execute(self, node_context): def flat_parameter_values(parameter_dict): def inner(param, name): if param['type'] in ['group', 'page']: for k, v in param.items(): param_ = param.get(k) if param_ and isinstance(param_, dict): inner(param_, k) else: for k, v in param.items(): if k == 'value': res[name] = v res = {} inner(parameter_dict, None) return sorted(res.items()) parameters = self._updated_parameters(node_context) json_parameters ='json_parameters') table_parameters ='table_parameters') if json_parameters: json_parameters[0].set(self._prune(parameters.parameter_dict)) if table_parameters: for key, value in flat_parameter_values(parameters.parameter_dict): table_parameters[0][key] = np.array([value])
[docs]class CreateJSON(synode.Node): """ Manually Create JSON by writing a python expression which evaluates to a dictionary containing normal python values, that is, dictionaries lists, floats, integers, strings and booleans. Optional input port, named arg, can be used in the expression. Have a look at the :ref:`Data type APIs<datatypeapis>` to see what methods and attributes are available on the data type that you are working with. """ name = 'Manually Create JSON' author = 'Erik der Hagopian' version = '0.1' icon = 'create_json.svg' tags = Tags(Tag.Generic.Configuration) nodeid = 'org.sysess.sympathy.create.createjson' inputs = Ports([Port.Custom('<a>', 'Input', name='arg', n=(0, 1))]) outputs = Ports([Port.Json('Output', name='output')]) parameters = synode.parameters() parameters.set_string( 'code', description='Python expression that evaluates to a ' 'json-serilizable object.', value='{} # Empty dictionary.', editor=synode.Util.code_editor().value()) def execute(self, node_context): inputs ='arg') arg = inputs[0] if inputs else None env = {'arg': arg} dict_ = eval(compile(node_context.parameters['code'].value, '<string>', 'eval'), env, env) node_context.output[0].set(dict_)
[docs]class JSONtoText(synode.Node): """ JSON to Text. """ name = 'JSON to Text' author = 'Erik der Hagopian' version = '1.0' icon = 'create_json.svg' tags = Tags(Tag.DataProcessing.Convert) nodeid = 'org.sysess.sympathy.convert.jsontotext' inputs = Ports([Port.Json('Input', name='input')]) outputs = Ports([Port.Text('Output', name='output')]) parameters = synode.parameters() def execute(self, node_context): node_context.output[0].set( json.dumps(node_context.input[0].get()))
[docs]class TexttoJSON(synode.Node): """ Text to JSON. """ name = 'Text to JSON' author = 'Erik der Hagopian' version = '1.0' icon = 'create_json.svg' tags = Tags(Tag.DataProcessing.Convert) nodeid = 'org.sysess.sympathy.convert.texttojson' inputs = Ports([Port.Text('Input', name='input')]) outputs = Ports([Port.Json('Output', name='output')]) parameters = synode.parameters() def execute(self, node_context): node_context.output[0].set( json.loads(node_context.input[0].get()))
[docs]@node_helper.list_node_decorator(['input'], ['output']) class TextstoJSONs(TexttoJSON): name = 'Texts to JSONs' nodeid = 'org.sysess.sympathy.convert.textstojsons'