Source code for

# This file is part of Sympathy for Data.
# Copyright (c) 2016, Combine Control Systems AB
# Sympathy for Data is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Sympathy for Data is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Sympathy for Data.  If not, see <>.
import os
import re
import numpy as np
import warnings
import datetime
from collections import OrderedDict

from sylib import atfx
from sympathy.api import table
from sympathy.api import importers
from sympathy.api.nodeconfig import deprecated_warn
from sympathy.api.exceptions import SyDataError

[docs]class DataImportATFX(importers.ADAFDataImporterBase): """Import exported ATFX data into AFAF format.""" IMPORTER_NAME = 'ATFX' def __init__(self, fq_in_filename, parameters): super(DataImportATFX, self).__init__(fq_in_filename, parameters) self._adaf = None self._asamatf = None self.DATA_WRITER_DICT = {} def name(self): return self.IMPORTER_NAME def valid_for_file(self): if self._fq_infilename is None or not os.path.isfile( self._fq_infilename): return False sample_size = 256 result = False with open(self._fq_infilename, 'rb') as f: string = result = re.findall(b'atfx_file', string) != [] return result def import_data(self, out_adaffile, parameters=None, progress=None): def check_comps(root, comps): """ Check for existence of the binary files connected to the considered atf-file. """ for key, comp in comps.items(): filename = os.path.join(root, comp['filename']) if not os.path.isfile(filename): warnings.warn( 'The file {0} could not be found'.format(filename)) deprecated_warn( 'Support for ATFX import', '4.0.0') # Outgoing ADAF structure. self._adaf = out_adaffile fq_infilename = os.path.abspath(self._fq_infilename) try: self._model = atfx.ApplicationModel(fq_infilename) except atfx.ATFX_ImportFailed as e: raise self.import_failed(e) self._dirname = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(fq_infilename)) self._comps = self._model.components() check_comps(self._dirname, self._comps) exporter = self._model.documentation().get('exporter', 'ATFX') system = self._adaf.sys.create(exporter) # Loop over the existing tests. meass = self._model.instances('AoMeasurement') meas_names = [ for meas in meass] count = dict.fromkeys(meas_names, 0) for meas_name in meas_names: count[meas_name] += 1 meas_offset = {key: 0 if value > 1 else None for key, value in count.items()} for meas in meass: test = meas try: while True: test = test.test() except AttributeError: pass for key, value in sorted(test.get_attrs().items()): out_adaffile.meta.create_column( '{}_Test_{}'.format(exporter, key), np.array([value])) for meas in meass: self.add_meas(meas, meas_offset, system) out_adaffile.set_source_id(os.path.basename(fq_infilename)) def add_meas(self, meas, meas_offset, system): meas_name = rasters_dict = OrderedDict() indep_dict = {} for meas_quantity in ( meas.measurement_quantities()): quantity_name = try: data, attributes = self.get_quantity(meas_quantity) except IOError: warnings.warn( 'quantity:{} could not be read'.format(quantity_name)) continue for submatrix_id, (indep, array) in data: raster = rasters_dict.setdefault( (submatrix_id, meas_name), table.File()) raster.set_column_from_array( quantity_name, array, attributes) if indep: indep_dict[(submatrix_id, meas_name)] = quantity_name offset = meas_offset[meas_name] many = len(rasters_dict) > 1 or offset is not None for i, ((submatrix_id, meas_name), raster) in enumerate( rasters_dict.items()): i += offset or 0 if meas_name in self.DATA_WRITER_DICT: self.DATA_WRITER_DICT[meas_name](raster, self._adaf) else: table_attributes = raster.get_table_attributes() or {} try: table_attributes[ 'reference_time'] = datetime.datetime.strptime( meas.measurement_begin(), '%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f').isoformat() except (AttributeError, KeyError, ValueError, TypeError): pass raster.set_table_attributes(table_attributes) timebasis_name = None indep_name = indep_dict.get((submatrix_id, meas_name)) if indep_name: timebasis_name = indep_name elif 'Time' in raster: timebasis_name = 'Time' if timebasis_name is None: timebasis_name = 'Time' # Timeseries with no basis, create index basis. raster.set_column_from_array( timebasis_name, np.zeros(raster.number_of_rows(), dtype=float)) else: try: column = raster.get_column_to_array(timebasis_name) sampling_rate = column[1] - column[0] attributes = raster.get_column_attributes( timebasis_name) attributes['sampling_rate'] = sampling_rate raster.set_column_attributes( timebasis_name, attributes) except (KeyError, IndexError): pass if many: new_raster = system.create( '{}{}'.format(meas_name, i)) else: new_raster = system.create(meas_name) new_raster.from_table(raster, timebasis_name) if offset is not None: meas_offset[meas_name] += 1 def get_quantity(self, meas_quantity): return (self.get_quantity_data(meas_quantity), self.get_quantity_attributes(meas_quantity)) def get_quantity_attributes(self, meas_quantity): attributes = {} try: quantity = meas_quantity.quantity() attributes['description'] = quantity.description() except (KeyError, StopIteration, AttributeError): pass try: unit = meas_quantity.unit() attributes['unit'] = except (KeyError, StopIteration, AttributeError): pass return attributes def get_localcolumn_data(self, localcolumn): representation = localcolumn.sequence_representation() if isinstance(representation, int): representation = atfx.sequence_representation_enum[representation] if representation == 'explicit': dtype, values = localcolumn.values() if dtype == 'component': values_dict = dict(values) for key in ['blocksize', 'valperblock', 'inioffset', 'length']: try: value = int(values_dict[key]) except KeyError: value = None values_dict[key] = value data_type = values_dict['datatype'] values_dict['type'] = data_type values_dict['valoffsets'] = [int(x) for x in values_dict['valoffsets'].split()] filename = self._comps[ values_dict.get('identifier')]['filename'] values = atfx.binary_to_array( self._dirname, filename, values_dict) return atfx.dt_to_array(data_type, values) else: return atfx.values_dict[dtype](values) elif representation == 'implicit_linear': try: dtype, values = localcolumn.values() except KeyError: dtype = 'A_FLOAT64' values = localcolumn.generation_parameters() values = atfx.values_dict[dtype](values) offset, step = values no_rows = localcolumn.submatrix().number_of_rows() return np.arange(no_rows, dtype='f8') * step + offset elif representation == 'external_component': external = localcolumn.external_component() filename = external.filename_url() data_type = external.value_type() values = {'blocksize': external.block_size(), 'valperblock': external.valuesperblock(), 'inioffset': external.start_offset(), 'length': external.component_length(), 'type': data_type, 'valoffsets': [external.value_offset()], 'component': filename} values = atfx.binary_to_array(self._dirname, filename, values) else: raise Exception( 'Unknown representation: {}'.format(representation)) return atfx.dt_to_array(data_type, values) def get_quantity_data(self, meas_quantity): data_list = [] try: localcolumns = meas_quantity.local_columns() except KeyError: warnings.warn( 'Failed to get localcolumns for meas_quantity:{}'. format( localcolumns = [] for localcolumn in localcolumns: try: data_list.append((localcolumn.submatrix().id(), (localcolumn.independent(), self.get_localcolumn_data(localcolumn)))) except KeyError: raise warnings.warn('Failed processing localcolumn:{}'.format( return data_list