Source code for node_preprocessing

# This file is part of Sympathy for Data.
# Copyright (c) 2017, Combine Control Systems AB
# Sympathy for Data is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Sympathy for Data is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Sympathy for Data.  If not, see <>.
import numpy as np

import sklearn
import sklearn.preprocessing
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer

from sympathy.api import node
from sympathy.api.nodeconfig import Ports, Tag, Tags

from sylib.machinelearning.model import ModelPort
from sylib.machinelearning.preprocessing import StandardScalerDescriptor
from sylib.machinelearning.preprocessing import RobustScalerDescriptor
from sylib.machinelearning.preprocessing import MaxAbsScalerDescriptor
from sylib.machinelearning.preprocessing import OneHotEncoderDescriptor
from sylib.machinelearning.preprocessing import PolynomialFeaturesDescriptor
from sylib.machinelearning.preprocessing import LabelBinarizerDescriptor
from sylib.machinelearning.preprocessing import CategoryEncoderDescriptor
from sylib.machinelearning.preprocessing import CategoryEncoder
from sylib.machinelearning.utility import names_from_x
from sylib.machinelearning.utility import names_from_y

from sylib.machinelearning.abstract_nodes import SyML_abstract
from sylib.machinelearning.descriptors import Descriptor

from sylib.machinelearning.descriptors import BoolListType
from sylib.machinelearning.descriptors import BoolType
from sylib.machinelearning.descriptors import FloatListType
from sylib.machinelearning.descriptors import FloatType
from sylib.machinelearning.descriptors import IntListType
from sylib.machinelearning.descriptors import IntType
from sylib.machinelearning.descriptors import StringType
from sylib.machinelearning.descriptors import NoneType
from sylib.machinelearning.descriptors import StringSelectionType
from sylib.machinelearning.descriptors import UnionType

[docs]class StandardScaler(SyML_abstract, node.Node): name = 'Standard Scaler' author = 'Mathias Broxvall' version = '0.1' icon = 'scaler.svg' description = """ Standardize features by removing the mean and scaling to unit variance. Centering and scaling happen independently on each feature by computing the relevant statistics on the samples in the training set. Mean and standard deviation are then stored to be used on later data using the transform method. Standardization of a dataset is a common requirement for many machine learning estimators: they might behave badly if the individual feature do not more or less look like standard normally distributed data (e.g. Gaussian with 0 mean and unit variance).""" nodeid = 'org.sysess.sympathy.machinelearning.standard_scaler' tags = Tags(Tag.MachineLearning.Processing) descriptor = StandardScalerDescriptor() = name info = [ {'name': 'with_mean', 'dispname': 'Center the data before scaling', 'type': BoolType(default=True)}, {'name': 'with_std', 'dispname': 'Scale to unit variance', 'type': BoolType(default=True)}, ] descriptor.set_info(info, doc_class=sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler) descriptor.set_mirroring() descriptor.set_attributes([ {'name': 'scale_', 'cnames': names_from_x}, {'name': 'mean_', 'cnames': names_from_x}, {'name': 'var_', 'cnames': names_from_x}, {'name': 'n_samples_seen_'}, ], doc_class=sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler) parameters = node.parameters() SyML_abstract.generate_parameters(parameters, descriptor) inputs = Ports([]) outputs = Ports([ModelPort('Model', 'model')]) __doc__ = SyML_abstract.generate_docstring( description,, descriptor.attributes, inputs, outputs) def execute(self, node_context): model = node_context.output['model'] desc = self.__class__.descriptor model.set_desc(desc) kwargs = self.__class__.descriptor.get_parameters( node_context.parameters) skl = sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler(**kwargs) model.set_skl(skl)
[docs]class RobustScaler(SyML_abstract, node.Node): name = 'Robust Scaler' author = 'Mathias Broxvall' version = '0.1' icon = 'scaler.svg' description = """ Scale features using statistics that are robust to outliers. This Scaler removes the median and scales the data according to the quantile range (defaults to IQR: Interquartile Range). The IQR is the range between the 1st quartile (25th quantile) and the 3rd quartile (75th quantile). Centering and scaling happen independently on each feature (or each sample, depending on the axis argument) by computing the relevant statistics on the samples in the training set. Median and interquartile range are then stored to be used on later data using the transform method. Standardization of a dataset is a common requirement for many machine learning estimators. Typically this is done by removing the mean and scaling to unit variance. However, outliers can often influence the sample mean / variance in a negative way. In such cases, the median and the interquartile range often give better results. """ nodeid = 'org.sysess.sympathy.machinelearning.robust_scaler' tags = Tags(Tag.MachineLearning.Processing) descriptor = RobustScalerDescriptor() = name descriptor.set_mirroring() info = [ {'name': 'with_centering', 'dispname': 'Center the data before scaling', 'type': BoolType(default=True)}, {'name': 'with_scaling', 'dispname': 'Scale to interquantile range', 'type': BoolType(default=True)}, {'name': 'quantile_range', 'dispname': 'IQR Quantile range', 'type': FloatListType(default=[25.0, 75.0], min_length=2, max_length=2, min_value=0.0, max_value=100.0)}, ] descriptor.set_info(info, doc_class=sklearn.preprocessing.RobustScaler) descriptor.set_attributes([ {'name': 'center_', 'cnames': names_from_x}, {'name': 'scale_', 'cnames': names_from_x}, ], doc_class=sklearn.preprocessing.RobustScaler) parameters = node.parameters() SyML_abstract.generate_parameters(parameters, descriptor) inputs = Ports([]) outputs = Ports([ModelPort('Model', 'model')]) __doc__ = SyML_abstract.generate_docstring( description,, descriptor.attributes, inputs, outputs) def execute(self, node_context): model = node_context.output['model'] desc = self.__class__.descriptor model.set_desc(desc) kwargs = self.__class__.descriptor.get_parameters( node_context.parameters) skl = sklearn.preprocessing.RobustScaler(**kwargs) model.set_skl(skl)
[docs]class MaxAbsScaler(SyML_abstract, node.Node): name = 'Max Abs Scaler' author = 'Mathias Broxvall' version = '0.1' icon = 'scaler.svg' description = """ Scale each feature by its maximum absolute value. This estimator scales and translates each feature individually such that the maximal absolute value of each feature in the training set will be 1.0. It does not shift/center the data, and thus does not destroy any sparsity. """ nodeid = 'org.sysess.sympathy.machinelearning.maxabs_scaler' tags = Tags(Tag.MachineLearning.Processing) descriptor = MaxAbsScalerDescriptor() = name descriptor.set_info([]) descriptor.set_mirroring() descriptor.set_attributes([ {'name': 'scale_', 'cnames': names_from_x}, {'name': 'max_abs_', 'cnames': names_from_x}, {'name': 'n_samples_seen_'}, ], doc_class=sklearn.preprocessing.MaxAbsScaler) parameters = node.parameters() SyML_abstract.generate_parameters(parameters, descriptor) inputs = Ports([]) outputs = Ports([ModelPort('Model', 'model')]) __doc__ = SyML_abstract.generate_docstring( description,, descriptor.attributes, inputs, outputs) def execute(self, node_context): model = node_context.output['model'] desc = self.__class__.descriptor model.set_desc(desc) kwargs = self.__class__.descriptor.get_parameters( node_context.parameters) skl = sklearn.preprocessing.MaxAbsScaler(**kwargs) model.set_skl(skl)
[docs]class Normalizer(SyML_abstract, node.Node): name = 'Normalizer' author = 'Mathias Broxvall' version = '0.1' icon = 'normalizer.svg' description = """ Normalize samples individually to unit norm. Each sample (i.e. each row of the data matrix) with at least one non zero component is rescaled independently of other samples so that its norm (l1, l2 or max) equals one.""" nodeid = 'org.sysess.sympathy.machinelearning.normalizer' tags = Tags(Tag.MachineLearning.Processing) descriptor = Descriptor() = name info = [ {'name': 'norm', 'dispname': 'Norm', 'type': StringSelectionType(options=['l1', 'l2', 'max'], default='l2') } ] descriptor.set_info(info, doc_class=sklearn.preprocessing.Normalizer) descriptor.set_mirroring() parameters = node.parameters() SyML_abstract.generate_parameters(parameters, descriptor) inputs = Ports([]) outputs = Ports([ModelPort('Model', 'model')]) __doc__ = SyML_abstract.generate_docstring( description,, descriptor.attributes, inputs, outputs) def execute(self, node_context): model = node_context.output['model'] desc = self.__class__.descriptor model.set_desc(desc) kwargs = self.__class__.descriptor.get_parameters( node_context.parameters) skl = sklearn.preprocessing.Normalizer(**kwargs) model.set_skl(skl)
[docs]class Binarizer(SyML_abstract, node.Node): name = 'Binarizer' author = 'Mathias Broxvall' version = '0.1' icon = 'binarizer.svg' description = """ Binarize data (set feature values to 0 or 1) according to a threshold. Values greater than the threshold map to 1, while values less than or equal to the threshold map to 0. With the default threshold of 0, only positive values map to 1. Binarization is a common operation on text count data where the analyst can decide to only consider the presence or absence of a feature rather than a quantified number of occurrences for instance. It can also be used as a pre-processing step for estimators that consider boolean random variables (e.g. modelled using the Bernoulli distribution in a Bayesian setting).""" nodeid = 'org.sysess.sympathy.machinelearning.binarizer' tags = Tags(Tag.MachineLearning.Processing) descriptor = Descriptor() = name info = [ {'name': 'threshold', 'dispname': 'Threshold', 'type': FloatType(default=0.0)} ] descriptor.set_info(info, doc_class=sklearn.preprocessing.Binarizer) descriptor.set_mirroring() parameters = node.parameters() SyML_abstract.generate_parameters(parameters, descriptor) inputs = Ports([]) outputs = Ports([ModelPort('Model', 'model')]) __doc__ = SyML_abstract.generate_docstring( description,, descriptor.attributes, inputs, outputs) def execute(self, node_context): model = node_context.output['model'] desc = self.__class__.descriptor model.set_desc(desc) kwargs = self.__class__.descriptor.get_parameters( node_context.parameters) skl = sklearn.preprocessing.Binarizer(**kwargs) model.set_skl(skl)
[docs]class LabelBinarizer(SyML_abstract, node.Node): name = 'Label Binarizer' author = 'Mathias Broxvall' version = '0.1' icon = 'label_binarizer.svg' description = """ Binarize labels in a one-vs-all fashion. Several regression and binary classification algorithms are available in the scikit. A simple way to extend these algorithms to the multi-class classification case is to use the so-called one-vs-all scheme. At learning time, this simply consists in learning one regressor or binary classifier per class. In doing so, one needs to convert multi-class labels to binary labels (belong or does not belong to the class). LabelBinarizer makes this process easy with the transform method. At prediction time, one assigns the class for which the corresponding model gave the greatest confidence. LabelBinarizer makes this easy with the inverse_transform method """ nodeid = 'org.sysess.sympathy.machinelearning.label_binarizer' tags = Tags(Tag.MachineLearning.Processing) descriptor = LabelBinarizerDescriptor() = name info = [ {'name': 'pos_label', 'dispname': 'Positive label', 'type': IntType(default=1)}, {'name': 'neg_label', 'dispname': 'Negative label', 'type': IntType(default=0)}, {'name': 'sparse_output', 'dispname': 'Transformed array in sparse format', 'desc': """ Will generate sparse matrix if true. Warning: sparse matrices are not handled by all Sympathy nodes and may be silently converted to non-sparse arrays""", 'type': BoolType(default=False)}, ] descriptor.set_info(info, doc_class=sklearn.preprocessing.LabelBinarizer) descriptor.set_attributes([ {'name': 'classes_', 'rnames': names_from_y}, {'name': 'y_type_', }, ], doc_class=sklearn.preprocessing.LabelBinarizer) parameters = node.parameters() SyML_abstract.generate_parameters(parameters, descriptor) inputs = Ports([]) outputs = Ports([ModelPort('Model', 'model')]) __doc__ = SyML_abstract.generate_docstring( description,, descriptor.attributes, inputs, outputs) def execute(self, node_context): model = node_context.output['model'] desc = self.__class__.descriptor model.set_desc(desc) kwargs = self.__class__.descriptor.get_parameters( node_context.parameters) skl = sklearn.preprocessing.LabelBinarizer(**kwargs) model.set_skl(skl)
[docs]class OneHotEncoder(SyML_abstract, node.Node): name = 'One-Hot Encoder' author = 'Mathias Broxvall' version = '0.1' icon = 'label_binarizer.svg' description = """ Encode categorical integer features using a one-hot aka one-of-K scheme. For each categorical input feature, a number of output features will be given of which exactly one is marked as true and the rest as false. This encoding is needed for feeding categorical data to many scikit-learn estimators, notably linear models and SVMs with the standard kernels. Note: a one-hot encoding of y labels should use a LabelBinarizer instead. Also note: categories for the input data are generated automatically (as in category='auto' keyword in scikit-learn)""" nodeid = 'org.sysess.sympathy.machinelearning.one_hot_encoder' tags = Tags(Tag.MachineLearning.Processing) descriptor = OneHotEncoderDescriptor() = name info = [ #{'name': 'n_values', # 'dispname': 'Number of values per feature', # 'type': UnionType([StringSelectionType(["auto"]), # IntType(min_value=0), # IntListType(min_length=1, min_value=0)], # default='auto')}, #{'name': 'categorical_features', # 'dispname': 'Which features are categorical', # 'type': UnionType([ # StringSelectionType(["all"]), # IntListType(min_length=1, min_value=0), # BoolListType(min_length=1)], default='all')}, {'name': 'handle_unknown', 'dispname': 'Handle unknown', 'desc': 'How to handle unknown categories during (non-fit) transform', 'type': StringSelectionType(['error', 'ignore'])}, {'name': 'sparse', 'dispname': 'Transformed array in sparse format', 'desc': """ Will generate sparse matrix if true. Warning: sparse matrices are not handled by all Sympathy nodes and may be silently converted to non-sparse arrays""", 'type': BoolType(default=False)}, ] descriptor.set_info(info, doc_class=sklearn.preprocessing.OneHotEncoder) descriptor.set_attributes([ {'name': 'active_features_'}, {'name': 'feature_indices_', 'cnames': names_from_x}, {'name': 'n_values_', 'cnames': names_from_x}, {'name': 'categories_', 'cnames': names_from_x}, ], doc_class=sklearn.preprocessing.OneHotEncoder) parameters = node.parameters() SyML_abstract.generate_parameters(parameters, descriptor) inputs = Ports([]) outputs = Ports([ModelPort('Model', 'model')]) __doc__ = SyML_abstract.generate_docstring( description,, descriptor.attributes, inputs, outputs) def execute(self, node_context): model = node_context.output['model'] desc = self.__class__.descriptor model.set_desc(desc) kwargs = self.__class__.descriptor.get_parameters( node_context.parameters) skl = sklearn.preprocessing.OneHotEncoder(categories='auto', **kwargs) model.set_skl(skl)
[docs]class Imputer(SyML_abstract, node.Node): name = 'Imputer' author = 'Mathias Broxvall' version = '0.1' icon = 'imputer.svg' description = ( 'Replaces missing values in a data set with a computed value infered ' 'from the remained of the data set. If there are missing data in the ' 'data set, those needs to be removed or replaced first.') nodeid = 'org.sysess.sympathy.machinelearning.imputer' tags = Tags(Tag.MachineLearning.Processing) descriptor = Descriptor() = name info = [ {'name': 'missing_values', 'dispname': 'Placeholder for missing values', 'type': UnionType([FloatType(), StringType(), NoneType()], default=np.nan)}, {'name': 'strategy', 'dispname': 'Imputing strategy', 'type': StringSelectionType([ "mean", "median", "most_frequent"], default="mean")}, ] descriptor.set_info(info, doc_class=SimpleImputer) descriptor.set_mirroring() descriptor.set_attributes([ {'name': 'statistics_', 'cnames': names_from_x}, ], doc_class=SimpleImputer) parameters = node.parameters() SyML_abstract.generate_parameters(parameters, descriptor) inputs = Ports([]) outputs = Ports([ModelPort('Model', 'model')]) __doc__ = SyML_abstract.generate_docstring( description,, descriptor.attributes, inputs, outputs) def execute(self, node_context): model = node_context.output['model'] desc = self.__class__.descriptor model.set_desc(desc) kwargs = self.__class__.descriptor.get_parameters( node_context.parameters) skl = SimpleImputer(**kwargs) model.set_skl(skl)
[docs]class PolynomialFeatures(SyML_abstract, node.Node): name = 'Polynomial Features' author = 'Mathias Broxvall' version = '0.1' icon = 'polynomial.svg' description = ( 'Generate a new feature matrix consisting of all polynomial ' 'combinations of the features with less than a given degree') nodeid = 'org.sysess.sympathy.machinelearning.polynomial_features' tags = Tags(Tag.MachineLearning.Processing) descriptor = PolynomialFeaturesDescriptor() = name info = [ {'name': 'degree', 'dispname': 'Degree', 'type': IntType(min_value=0, default=2)}, {'name': 'interaction_only', 'dispname': 'Only interaction features produced', 'type': BoolType(default=False)}, {'name': 'include_bias', 'dispname': 'Include bias', 'type': BoolType(default=True)}, #{'name': 'order', # 'dispname': 'Order of output array', # 'type': StringSelectionType(['C', 'F'], default='C')}, ] descriptor.set_info(info, doc_class=sklearn.preprocessing.PolynomialFeatures) descriptor.set_attributes([ {'name': 'n_input_features_', }, {'name': 'n_output_features_', }, {'name': 'powers_', 'cnames': names_from_x, 'rnames': names_from_y}, ]) descriptor.set_info(info, doc_class=sklearn.preprocessing.PolynomialFeatures) parameters = node.parameters() SyML_abstract.generate_parameters(parameters, descriptor) inputs = Ports([]) outputs = Ports([ModelPort('Model', 'model')]) __doc__ = SyML_abstract.generate_docstring( description,, descriptor.attributes, inputs, outputs) def execute(self, node_context): model = node_context.output['model'] desc = self.__class__.descriptor model.set_desc(desc) kwargs = self.__class__.descriptor.get_parameters( node_context.parameters) skl = sklearn.preprocessing.PolynomialFeatures(**kwargs) model.set_skl(skl)
[docs]class LabelEncoder(SyML_abstract, node.Node): name = 'Label Encoder' author = 'Mathias Broxvall' version = '0.1' icon = 'label_encoder.svg' description = ( 'Encode single string labels with value between 0 and n_classes-1.') nodeid = 'org.sysess.sympathy.machinelearning.label_encoder' tags = Tags(Tag.MachineLearning.Processing) descriptor = Descriptor() = name descriptor.set_info([]) descriptor.set_mirroring() descriptor.set_attributes([ {'name': 'classes_'}, ], doc_class=sklearn.preprocessing.LabelEncoder) parameters = node.parameters() SyML_abstract.generate_parameters(parameters, descriptor) inputs = Ports([]) outputs = Ports([ModelPort('Model', 'model')]) __doc__ = SyML_abstract.generate_docstring( description,, descriptor.attributes, inputs, outputs) def execute(self, node_context): model = node_context.output['model'] desc = self.__class__.descriptor model.set_desc(desc) kwargs = self.__class__.descriptor.get_parameters( node_context.parameters) skl = sklearn.preprocessing.LabelEncoder(**kwargs) model.set_skl(skl)
[docs]class CategoryEncoderNode(SyML_abstract, node.Node): name = 'Categorical Encoder' author = 'Mathias Broxvall' version = '0.1' icon = 'categorical_encoder.svg' description = ( 'Encodes all inputs into integer features, assumes ' 'that all inputs are Categorical ') nodeid = 'org.sysess.sympathy.machinelearning.category_encoder' tags = Tags(Tag.MachineLearning.Processing) descriptor = CategoryEncoderDescriptor() = name descriptor.set_info([ {'name': 'max_categories', 'dispname': 'Maximum categories', 'type': UnionType([NoneType(), IntType(min_value=1)], default=None), 'desc': ( 'Maximum number of categories for any feature. ' 'Remaining values are encoded as 0. ' 'If None then no upper bound on number of features')}, ]) descriptor.set_mirroring() descriptor.set_attributes([ {'name': 'categories_', 'desc': ( 'List of dictionaries that map each input feature into ' 'a categorical integer')}, {'name': 'inv_categories_', 'desc': ( 'List of dictionaries that map each output value into ' 'an corresponding input value')} ]) parameters = node.parameters() SyML_abstract.generate_parameters(parameters, descriptor) inputs = Ports([]) outputs = Ports([ModelPort('Model', 'model')]) __doc__ = SyML_abstract.generate_docstring( description,, descriptor.attributes, inputs, outputs) def execute(self, node_context): model = node_context.output['model'] desc = self.__class__.descriptor model.set_desc(desc) kwargs = self.__class__.descriptor.get_parameters( node_context.parameters) skl = CategoryEncoder(**kwargs) model.set_skl(skl)