Source code for node_interpolation

# This file is part of Sympathy for Data.
# Copyright (c) 2013, 2017, Combine Control Systems AB
# Sympathy for Data is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Sympathy for Data is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Sympathy for Data.  If not, see <>.
Interpolate timeseries to a single timebasis. The new timebasis can
either be an existing timebasis in the adaf-file or a timebasis with a timestep
defined by the user. The timeseries that will be interpolated are selected in a
list. The output file will contain a single system and raster with all the
chosen timeseries.
import collections

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d as scinterp

from sympathy.api import node_helper
from sympathy.api import node as synode
from sympathy.api.nodeconfig import Port, Ports, Tag, Tags, adjust
from sympathy.api.exceptions import SyDataError, SyConfigurationError, sywarn
from sympathy.api import dtypes
from sympathy.api import qt2 as qt_compat
from sympathy.api import masked
QtGui = qt_compat.import_module('QtGui')
QtWidgets = qt_compat.import_module('QtWidgets')
QtCore = qt_compat.import_module('QtCore')

_METHODS = ['zero', 'nearest', 'linear', 'quadratic', 'cubic']

def _method_wrapper(f):
    def inner(self, signal):
        dtype = signal.dtype
        if not len(self._source_basis):
            return, dtype=dtype)
        if dtype.kind in ('m', 'M'):
            signal = signal.astype(float)
        result = f(self, signal)
        if dtype.kind in ('m', 'M'):
            return result.astype(dtype)
        return result
    return inner

class RasterResampler(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._has_warned_about_missing_values = False

    def new_raster(self, source_basis, target_basis):
        """Start working on a new raster."""
        # np.interp can't handle some types. Notably it can't handle datetimes.
        self._time_reference = None
        self._source_basis = self._to_float(source_basis)
        self._target_basis = self._to_float(target_basis)

        # Base cache variables used for all interpolation methods:
        self._i = None
        self._left = None
        self._right = None
        self._mask = None
        # Cache variables used for specific interpolation methods:
        self._nearest_i = None
        self._zero_i = None
        self._linear_i = None
        self._linear_alpha = None
        self._higher = False

    def _to_float(self, basis):
        """Convert datetime bases to float."""
        if basis.dtype.kind == 'M':
            if self._time_reference is None:
                self._time_reference = basis[0]
            timeunit = np.timedelta64(1, 'us')
            return (basis - self._time_reference) / timeunit
        return basis

    def get_method(self, signal, selected_methods):
        Return a function that can be used to interpolate signal to the current
        bool_method, int_method, float_method = selected_methods

        kind = signal.dtype.kind
        if kind in ('b', 'S', 'U'):
            selected_method = bool_method
        elif kind in ('i', 'u'):
            selected_method = int_method
            selected_method = float_method

        if self._source_basis.size == 1 and selected_method not in (
                'zero', 'nearest'):
            # Signals with one sample can only be resampled using 'nearest' or
            # 'zero'.
            # sywarn("Can't interpolate signal with one sample using method "
            #        "'{}', falling back to method 'nearest'".format(
            #            selected_method))
            selected_method = 'nearest'

        if selected_method == 'zero':
        elif selected_method == 'nearest':
            return self.nearest
        elif selected_method == 'linear':
            return self.linear
        elif selected_method == 'quadratic':
            return self.quadratic
        elif selected_method == 'cubic':
            return self.cubic
            raise ValueError(
                "Unknown interpolation method '{}'".format(selected_method))

    def _interp_indices(self):
        Calculate and cache the common interpolation steps for the current
        raster. Each interpolation method will refine and use these results.
        if self._i is not None:

        LEFT, RIGHT = -1, -2
        old_i = np.arange(len(self._source_basis))
        self._i = np.interp(self._target_basis, self._source_basis, old_i,
                            left=LEFT, right=RIGHT)
        self._left = self._i == LEFT
        self._right = self._i == RIGHT
        self._mask = np.logical_or(self._left, self._right)

        # Set extrapolated values to what is needed in methods zero and
        # nearest. Other methods mask these values anyways.
        self._i[self._left] = 0
        self._i[self._right] = -1

        # Make it easier to check if any values are masked.
        if not np.any(self._left):
            self._left = None
        if not np.any(self._mask):
            self._mask = None

    def zero(self, signal):
        """Nearest preceding samples."""
        if self._zero_i is None:
            self._zero_i = self._i.astype(int)
        new_signal = signal[self._zero_i]
        if self._left is None:
            return new_signal
            return, mask=self._left)

    def nearest(self, signal):
        """Nearest neighbor."""
        if self._nearest_i is None:
            self._nearest_i = self._i.astype(int)
            if self._mask is not None:
                self._nearest_i[~self._mask] = (
                    self._i[~self._mask] + 0.5).astype(int)
        return signal[self._nearest_i]

    def linear(self, signal):
        """Piecewise linear interpolation."""
        if self._linear_i is None:
            self._linear_i = self._i.astype(int)
            self._linear_alpha = self._i - self._linear_i

            # Special handling of end point to make it safe to use
            # self._linear_i + 1 in indexing.
            endpoints = self._linear_i + 1 == len(self._source_basis)
            self._linear_i[endpoints] -= 1
            self._linear_alpha[endpoints] = 1

        new_signal = (signal[self._linear_i] * (1 - self._linear_alpha) +
                      signal[self._linear_i + 1] * self._linear_alpha)

        # These should give exactly the same results as the calculations above,
        # but make sure that NaN/masked at self._linear_i or self._linear_i + 1
        # don't pollute the results.
        new_signal[self._linear_alpha == 0] = (
            signal[self._linear_i][self._linear_alpha == 0])
        new_signal[self._linear_alpha == 1] = (
            signal[self._linear_i + 1][self._linear_alpha == 1])

        if self._mask is None:
            return new_signal
            return, mask=self._mask)

    def quadratic(self, signal):
        """Quadratic interpolation."""
        return self._higher_order(signal, kind='quadratic')

    def cubic(self, signal):
        """Cubic interpolation."""
        return self._higher_order(signal, kind='cubic')

    def _higher_order(self, signal, kind):
        Interpolations based on scipy.interpolation.interp1d.

        This lacks several features of the numpy-based interpolation methods
        such as optimization for interpolating mulitple signals between the
        same rasters, handling of NaNs/masked values etc.
        if self._higher is False:
            self._mask = np.logical_or(
                self._target_basis > masked.max(self._source_basis),
                self._target_basis < masked.min(self._source_basis))
            self._higher = True
        # Use scipy interpolation function
        new_signal = scinterp(self._source_basis, signal,
                              kind=kind, copy=False,
        if self._mask is None:
            return new_signal
            return, mask=self._mask)

    def _warn_if_missing_values(self, signal):
        """Warn about using quadratic/cubic interpolation with NaN values."""
        if self._has_warned_about_missing_values:

        if isinstance(signal,
            if np.any( | np.isnan(signal)):
                sywarn("Masked values/NaNs are not supported when "
                       "interpolating with quadratic or cubic method.")
                self._has_warned_about_missing_values = True

def resample_file_with_spec(parameter_root, spec, in_adaffile, out_adaffile,
    signals_col = parameter_root['signals_colname']._require().selected
    dt_col = parameter_root['dt_colname'].selected
    tb_col = parameter_root['tb_colname'].selected
    raster_param = parameter_root['raster_colname']
    rounded_raster_names = parameter_root['rounded_raster_names'].value
    signals = spec.get_column_to_array(signals_col)
    if dt_col is not None:
        dts = spec.get_column_to_array(dt_col)
        dts = np.zeros(signals.shape, dtype=float) * np.nan
    if tb_col is not None:
        to_tbs = spec.get_column_to_array(tb_col)
        to_tbs = np.zeros(signals.shape, dtype=str)

    if raster_param.selected:
        raster_names = spec._require_column(raster_param, types='U')
        raster_names = np.zeros(signals.shape, dtype=str)

    dt_to_signals = collections.defaultdict(list)
    tbname_to_signals = collections.defaultdict(list)
    for i, (dt, to_tb, signal, raster_name) in enumerate(
            zip(dts, to_tbs, signals, raster_names)):
        if dt and not np.isnan(dt):
            dt_to_signals[(dt, raster_name)].append(signal)
        elif to_tb:
            tbname_to_signals[(to_tb, raster_name)].append(signal)
            raise SyDataError("Row {} in specification table specifies "
                              "neither dt nor a target time basis.".format(i))

    new_timebases = []
    raster_names_dt = collections.defaultdict(list)
    total_signals_count = 0
    for (dt, raster_name), dt_signals in dt_to_signals.items():
        # Create output system/raster
        new_timebasis, unit = get_new_timebasis(in_adaffile, dt, dt_signals)
        system_name = 'Resampled system'
        if raster_name:
        elif rounded_raster_names:
            raster_name = 'Resampled raster {:.2}'.format(dt)
            raster_name = 'Resampled raster {}'.format(dt)
            (system_name, raster_name, new_timebasis, unit, dt_signals))
        total_signals_count += len(dt_signals)
    for raster_name, dts in raster_names_dt.items():
        if len(dts) > 1:
            round_error = (
                f'Two or more time steps ({dts}) give the same raster name '
                f'after rounding: "{raster_name}". Please use sufficiently '
                f'different time steps or disable rounding in the node\'s '

            if raster_names and raster_name in raster_names:
                raise SyConfigurationError('Repeated raster names.')
                raise SyConfigurationError(round_error)
    for (tbname, raster_name), tb_signals in tbname_to_signals.items():
        raster_dict = get_raster_dict(in_adaffile)
            old_system_name, old_raster_name = raster_dict[tbname]
        except KeyError:
            sywarn('No such system/raster: {}'.format(tbname))
        old_tb_column = (

        system_name = 'Resampled system'
        raster_name = raster_name or old_raster_name

        new_timebasis = old_tb_column.value()
        unit = old_tb_column.attr['unit'] or 's'
            (system_name, raster_name, new_timebasis, unit, tb_signals))
        total_signals_count += len(tb_signals)

    selected_methods = (parameter_root['bool_interp_method'].selected,

    resampler = RasterResampler()
    progress_counter = 0
    for system_name, raster_name, new_timebasis, unit, signals in (
        if not unit:
            unit = 's'
        if system_name not in out_adaffile.sys.keys():
            new_system = out_adaffile.sys.create(system_name)
        if raster_name not in new_system.keys():
            new_raster = new_system.create(raster_name)
        new_raster.create_basis(new_timebasis, attributes={'unit': unit})

        # Loop over all rasters and resample selected signals in them
        for origin_system_name in in_adaffile.sys.keys():
            origin_system = in_adaffile.sys[origin_system_name]
            for origin_raster_name in origin_system.keys():
                origin_raster = origin_system[origin_raster_name]
                signals_in_this_raster = [
                    signal_name for signal_name in origin_raster.keys()
                    if signal_name in signals]
                if not signals_in_this_raster:

                origin_basis = origin_raster.basis_column().value()
                new_basis = new_raster.basis_column().value()

                resampler.new_raster(origin_basis, new_basis)

                # Loop over all signals and resample them
                for signal_name in signals_in_this_raster:
                    progress(100 * min(1, progress_counter / total_signals_count))
                    signal = origin_raster[signal_name]
                    y = signal.y
                    interp = resampler.get_method(y, selected_methods)
                    new_y = interp(y)
                    attrs = dict(signal.signal().attr.items())
                    new_raster.create_signal(, new_y, attrs)
                    progress_counter += 1

def resample_file(parameter_root, in_adaffile, out_adaffile, progress):
    dt = parameter_root['dt'].value
    use_dt = parameter_root['use_dt'].value
    resample_all = parameter_root['resample_all_rasters'].value
    chosen_signals = parameter_root['ts'].value_names

    if resample_all:
        signals = in_adaffile.ts.keys()
        signals = chosen_signals

    # Create output system/raster
    if use_dt:
        system_name = 'Resampled system'
        raster_name = 'Resampled raster'
        new_timebasis, unit = get_new_timebasis(in_adaffile, dt, signals)
        raster_dict = get_raster_dict(in_adaffile)
        new_tb = parameter_root['new_tb']._require().selected
        system_name, raster_name = raster_dict[new_tb]
        old_tb_column = (in_adaffile.sys[system_name][raster_name]
        new_timebasis = old_tb_column.value()
        unit = old_tb_column.attr['unit']
    new_system = out_adaffile.sys.create(system_name)
    new_raster = new_system.create(raster_name)

    attributes = {}
    if unit:
        attributes['unit'] = unit
    if use_dt:
        attributes['time step'] = dt

    new_raster.create_basis(new_timebasis, attributes=attributes)
    if parameter_root['only_timebasis'].value:

    selected_methods = (parameter_root['bool_interp_method'].selected,

    resampler = RasterResampler()
    # Loop over all rasters and resample selected signals in them
    progress_counter = 0
    for origin_system_name in in_adaffile.sys.keys():
        origin_system = in_adaffile.sys[origin_system_name]
        for origin_raster_name in origin_system.keys():
            origin_raster = origin_system[origin_raster_name]
            signals_in_this_raster = [
                signal_name for signal_name in origin_raster.keys()
                if signal_name in signals]
            if not signals_in_this_raster:

            origin_basis = origin_raster.basis_column().value()
            new_basis = new_raster.basis_column().value()

            resampler.new_raster(origin_basis, new_basis)

            # Loop over all signals and resample them
            for signal_name in signals_in_this_raster:
                progress(100. * progress_counter / len(signals))
                signal = origin_raster[signal_name]
                y = signal.y
                interp = resampler.get_method(y, selected_methods)
                new_y = interp(y)
                attrs = dict(signal.signal().attr.items())
                new_raster.create_signal(, new_y, attrs)
                progress_counter += 1

def get_new_timebasis(in_adaffile, dt, signals):
    Get new timebasis covering the same range as all the old timebases using
    step size dt.
    if dt <= 0:
        raise SyConfigurationError('Time step must be positive.')

    t_range = None
    basis_kind = None
    basis_units = set()

    # The range of the new time basis should be the superset of all the
    # times in the resampled rasters.
    # TODO: What about reference times here?
    # TODO: I removed the warning when some signals are missing. Does that
    # matter?
    for system_name in in_adaffile.sys.keys():
        system = in_adaffile.sys[system_name]
        for raster_name in system.keys():
            raster = system[raster_name]
            if not set(raster.keys()) & set(signals):
                # No selected signals in this raster

            old_basis = raster.basis_column()
            basis = old_basis.value()
            unit = old_basis.attr.get('unit', '')

            if basis_kind:
                if basis_kind != basis.dtype.kind and not (
                        basis_kind in 'fiu' and basis.dtype.kind in 'fiu'):
                    raise SyDataError(
                        "All time bases must be of the same type. "
                        "Found both {} and {}.".format(
                basis_kind = basis.dtype.kind

            # 'unknown' was the previous default unit so we can treat that as
            # empty.
            if unit and unit != 'unknown':

            if len(basis):
                if t_range is None:
                    t_range = basis[0], basis[-1]
                    t_range = (min(t_range[0], basis[0]),
                               max(t_range[1], basis[-1]))

    basis_unit = ''
    if len(basis_units) == 1:
        basis_unit = basis_units.pop()
    elif len(basis_units) > 1:
        sywarn("The time bases have different units: {}".format(
            ", ".join(basis_units)))
    if t_range is None:
        # None of the selected signals were present, return empty target basis
        return np.array([]), ''
    if basis_kind == 'M':
        t_range = t_range[0].astype(float), t_range[1].astype(float)
        dt *= 1000000

    # If number of samples fit perfectly, use linspace to always catch both end
    # points, at the expense of sometimes changing dt very slightly.
    sample_count = np.around((t_range[1] - t_range[0]) / dt, 8)
    if sample_count == int(sample_count):
        timebasis_new = np.linspace(t_range[0], t_range[1], int(sample_count + 1))
        timebasis_new = np.arange(t_range[0], t_range[1], dt)
    if basis_kind == 'M':
        timebasis_new = timebasis_new.astype('M8[us]')

    return timebasis_new, basis_unit

def get_raster_dict(adaffile):
    if adaffile.is_valid():
        return collections.OrderedDict(
            [('/'.join([system_name, raster_name]), (system_name, raster_name))
             for system_name, system in adaffile.sys.items()
             for raster_name in system.keys()])
        return {}

def timebasis_only_parameter(parameters):
        'only_timebasis', label='Export time basis only', value=False,
        description='Choose to only export the time basis')
    return parameters

class SuperNode(synode.Node):
    author = 'Helena Olen'
    version = '2.0'
    icon = 'interpolate.svg'
    tags = Tags(Tag.Analysis.SignalProcessing)

    parameters = synode.parameters()
        'resample_all_rasters', value=True, label="Resample all signals",
        description='Apply resampling to all signals')
    ts_editor = synode.Util.multilist_editor(edit=True)
    ts_editor.set_attribute('filter', True)
        'ts', label="Choose signals",
        description='Choose signals to interpolate', editor=ts_editor)
        'dt', label='Time step',
        description=('Time step in new timebasis. If old timebasis is of '
                     'type datetime this is considered to be in seconds.'),
        editor=synode.editors.decimal_spinbox_editor(step=1e-3, decimals=6))
        'new_tb', label='Timebasis to use for interpolation',
        description=('Timebasis to use as new timebasis '
                     'for selected timeseries'),
        'use_dt', label='Time step approach', value=True,
        description='Choose between a custom time step and using an existing.')
    parameters = timebasis_only_parameter(parameters)
        'bool_interp_method', plist=['zero', 'nearest'], value=[1],
        description=('Method used to interpolate boolean, text, and '
                     'byte string data'),
        'int_interp_method', plist=_METHODS, value=[_METHODS.index('nearest')],
        description='Method used to interpolate integer data',
        'interpolation_method', plist=_METHODS,
        description='Method used to interpolate other data types',

[docs]class InterpolateADAF(SuperNode): """ Interpolation of timeseries in an ADAF. """ name = 'Interpolate ADAF' description = 'Interpolation of data' nodeid = '' related = [''] inputs = Ports([Port.ADAF('Input ADAF', name='port1')]) outputs = Ports([Port.ADAF('Interpolated ADAF', name='port1')]) def adjust_parameters(self, node_context): adjust(node_context.parameters['new_tb'], node_context.input['port1'], kind='rasters') adjust(node_context.parameters['ts'], node_context.input['port1'], kind='ts') def exec_parameter_view(self, node_context): parameter_root = node_context.parameters return InterpolationWidget(parameter_root) def execute(self, node_context): in_adaffile = node_context.input['port1'] out_adaffile = node_context.output['port1'] parameter_root = node_context.parameters if in_adaffile.is_empty(): return out_adaffile.meta.from_table(in_adaffile.meta.to_table()) out_adaffile.res.from_table(in_adaffile.res.to_table()) resample_file(parameter_root, in_adaffile, out_adaffile, progress=self.set_progress)
[docs]@node_helper.list_node_decorator(['port1'], ['port1']) class InterpolateADAFs(InterpolateADAF): name = 'Interpolate ADAFs' nodeid = ''
def _add_rounded_raster_names_parameter(parameters, default=True): parameters.set_boolean( 'rounded_raster_names', label='Round time steps in raster name (deprecated)', description='Round time step to two significant digits in raster ' 'names. This can lead to problems if two or more time ' 'steps are very close and result in the same raster name. ' 'This option is deprecated and will not be available in ' 'Sympathy 4.0.', value=default)
[docs]class InterpolateADAFsFromTable(synode.Node): """ Interpolation of timeseries in ADAFs using a specification table. The specification table should have two to three columns. It must have a column with the names of the signals that should be interpolated. Furthermore it should have either a column with resampling rate for each signal or a column with the names of the signals to whose time basis it should interpolate each signal. It can also have both columns and if both of them have values for the same row it will use the resample rate. """ name = 'Interpolate ADAFs with Table' description = 'Interpolation of data' nodeid = '' version = '1.0' author = 'Magnus Sandén' icon = 'interpolate.svg' tags = Tags(Tag.Analysis.SignalProcessing) related = [''] inputs = Ports([Port.Table('Specification Table', name='spec'), Port.ADAFs('Input ADAFs', name='port1')]) outputs = Ports([Port.ADAFs('Interpolated ADAFs', name='port1')]) parameters = synode.parameters() parameters.set_list( 'signals_colname', label='Column with signal names', description='Resample the timeseries in this column.', editor=synode.editors.combo_editor(edit=True, filter=True)) parameters.set_list( 'dt_colname', label='Column with sample rates', description=('The selected column should contain sample rates to ' 'which the selected signals will be resampled. ' 'At least one of this parameter and the time bases ' 'parameter must be specified.'), editor=synode.editors.combo_editor( include_empty=True, edit=True, filter=True)) parameters.set_list( 'tb_colname', label='Column with time bases', description=('The selected column should contain existsing time bases ' 'to which the selected signals will be resampled. ' 'At least one of this parameter and the time bases ' 'parameter must be specified.'), editor=synode.editors.combo_editor( include_empty=True, edit=True, filter=True)) parameters.set_list( 'raster_colname', label='Column with output raster names', description=( 'The selected column should contain raster names ' 'for the resampled rasters, OPTIONAL.\n' 'When not specified, names are determined from sample rates or ' 'time bases as usual.' ), editor=synode.editors.combo_editor( include_empty=True, edit=True, filter=True)) _add_rounded_raster_names_parameter(parameters, False) parameters = timebasis_only_parameter(parameters) parameters.set_list( 'bool_interp_method', plist=['zero', 'nearest'], value=[1], description=('Method used to interpolate boolean, text, and ' 'byte string data'), editor=synode.Util.combo_editor()) parameters.set_list( 'int_interp_method', plist=_METHODS, value=[_METHODS.index('nearest')], description='Method used to interpolate integer data', editor=synode.Util.combo_editor()) parameters.set_list( 'interpolation_method', plist=_METHODS, value=[_METHODS.index('linear')], description='Method used to interpolate other data types', editor=synode.Util.combo_editor()) def update_parameters(self, parameters): # Older versions (before sympathy 1.4.4) specified the empty element # explicitly in adjust_parameters. In 1.4.4 the empty element went # missing. From 1.4.5 we add it with 'include_empty' instead. parameters['dt_colname'].editor['include_empty'] = True parameters['tb_colname'].editor['include_empty'] = True # Sympathy 2.2.0 added transitional parameter 'rounded_raster_names' # defaulting to True for old nodes and False for new nodes. if 'rounded_raster_names' not in parameters: _add_rounded_raster_names_parameter(parameters, True) def adjust_parameters(self, node_context): pnames = ['signals_colname', 'dt_colname', 'tb_colname', 'raster_colname'] for pname in pnames: adjust(node_context.parameters[pname], node_context.input['spec']) def exec_parameter_view(self, node_context): parameter_root = node_context.parameters tab_widget = QtWidgets.QTabWidget() methods_tab = MethodsTab(parameter_root) choose_spec_cols_tab = ChooseSpecColsTab(parameter_root) tab_widget.addTab(choose_spec_cols_tab, 'Specification table') tab_widget.addTab(methods_tab, 'Interpolation method') return tab_widget def execute(self, node_context): input_adafs = node_context.input['port1'] spec = node_context.input['spec'] if spec.is_empty(): return output_adafs = node_context.output['port1'] parameter_root = node_context.parameters def interpolate_adafs_w_table(input_adaf, output_adaf, set_progress): output_adaf.meta.from_table(input_adaf.meta.to_table()) output_adaf.res.from_table(input_adaf.res.to_table()) resample_file_with_spec(parameter_root, spec, input_adaf, output_adaf, progress=set_progress) synode.map_list_node(interpolate_adafs_w_table, input_adafs, output_adafs, self.set_progress)
class ChooseSpecColsTab(QtWidgets.QWidget): def __init__(self, parameter_root): super(ChooseSpecColsTab, self).__init__() layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(parameter_root['signals_colname'].gui()) layout.addWidget(parameter_root['dt_colname'].gui()) layout.addWidget(parameter_root['tb_colname'].gui()) layout.addWidget(parameter_root['rounded_raster_names'].gui()) layout.addWidget(parameter_root['raster_colname'].gui()) layout.addStretch(0) self.setLayout(layout) class MethodsTab(QtWidgets.QWidget): def __init__(self, parameter_root): super(MethodsTab, self).__init__() layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel( "Choose interpolation methods for different data types.")) self._form_layout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() categories = ['Boolean, text, and byte string', 'Integer', 'Float, datetime, and timedelta'] parameters = ['bool_interp_method', 'int_interp_method', 'interpolation_method'] for category, parameter in zip(categories, parameters): widget = parameter_root[parameter].gui() self._form_layout.addRow(category, widget) layout.addLayout(self._form_layout) self._only_timebasis = parameter_root['only_timebasis'].gui() layout.addWidget(self._only_timebasis) layout.addStretch(0) self.setLayout(layout) self._only_timebasis.stateChanged.connect( self._only_timebasis_changed) self._only_timebasis_changed() def _only_timebasis_changed(self): disabled = ( self._only_timebasis.editor().checkState() != QtCore.Qt.Checked) for i in range(self._form_layout.count()): self._form_layout.itemAt(i).widget().setEnabled(disabled) class InterpolationWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget): """A widget containing a TimeBasisWidget and a ListSelectorWidget.""" def __init__(self, parameter_root, parent=None): super(InterpolationWidget, self).__init__() self._parameter_root = parameter_root self._init_gui() def _init_gui(self): # Create widgets and add to layout tab_widget = QtWidgets.QTabWidget() tb_tab = self._init_tb_tab() tab_widget.addTab(tb_tab, 'New time basis') methods_tab = MethodsTab(self._parameter_root) tab_widget.addTab(methods_tab, 'Interpolation method') signals_tab = self._init_signals_tab() tab_widget.addTab(signals_tab, 'Signals') layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(tab_widget) self.setLayout(layout) self._init_gui_from_parameters() def _init_tb_tab(self): # Create radio button group self._dt_or_tb = QtWidgets.QButtonGroup() self._dt_or_tb.setExclusive(True) self._custom_dt_button = QtWidgets.QRadioButton('Use custom timestep') self._use_tb_button = QtWidgets.QRadioButton( 'Interpolate using existing timebasis') # Add buttons to group self._dt_or_tb.addButton(self._custom_dt_button) self._dt_or_tb.addButton(self._use_tb_button) self._new_tb = self._parameter_root['new_tb'].gui() self._dt = self._parameter_root['dt'].gui() tb_ts_vlayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() tb_ts_vlayout.addWidget(self._custom_dt_button) tb_ts_vlayout.addWidget(self._dt) tb_ts_vlayout.addWidget(self._use_tb_button) tb_ts_vlayout.addWidget(self._new_tb) tb_ts_vlayout.addStretch(0) tb_tab = QtWidgets.QWidget() tb_tab.setLayout(tb_ts_vlayout) self._dt_or_tb.buttonClicked.connect(self._button_changed) return tb_tab def _init_signals_tab(self): signals_tab = QtWidgets.QWidget() self._ts_selection = self._parameter_root['ts'].gui() self._resample_all_signals = ( self._parameter_root['resample_all_rasters'].gui()) signals_vlayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() signals_vlayout.addWidget(self._resample_all_signals) signals_vlayout.addWidget(self._ts_selection) self._resample_all_signals.editor().toggled.connect( self._ts_selection.set_disabled) self._ts_selection.set_disabled( self._parameter_root['resample_all_rasters'].value) signals_tab.setLayout(signals_vlayout) return signals_tab def _init_gui_from_parameters(self): dt_checked = self._parameter_root['use_dt'].value self._custom_dt_button.setChecked(dt_checked) self._use_tb_button.setChecked(not dt_checked) self._use_tb_button.setChecked(not dt_checked) self._dt.setEnabled(dt_checked) self._new_tb.setEnabled(not dt_checked) def _button_changed(self, button): """ Radiobuttton clicked. Enable/disable custom coefficient edits or predefined filter widgets depedning on which button that is pressed. """ if button == self._custom_dt_button: self._dt.setEnabled(True) self._new_tb.setEnabled(False) self._parameter_root['use_dt'].value = True else: self._dt.setEnabled(False) self._new_tb.setEnabled(True) self._parameter_root['use_dt'].value = False