Source code for node_detection_filters

# This file is part of Sympathy for Data.
# Copyright (c) 2017, Combine Control Systems AB
# Sympathy for Data is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Sympathy for Data is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Sympathy for Data.  If not, see <>.
from sympathy.api import node
from sympathy.api.nodeconfig import Ports

from skimage import filters, feature
from sylib.imageprocessing.image import Image
from sylib.imageprocessing.algorithm_selector import ImageFiltering_abstract
from sylib.imageprocessing.generic_filtering import GenericImageFiltering

def alg_prewitt(im, params):
    method = params['horizontal/vertical'].value
    if method == 'horizontal':
        return filters.prewitt_h(im)
    elif method == 'vertical':
        return filters.prewitt_v(im)
        return filters.prewitt(im)

def alg_scharr(im, params):
    method = params['horizontal/vertical'].value
    if method == 'horizontal':
        return filters.scharr_h(im)
    elif method == 'vertical':
        return filters.scharr_v(im)
        return filters.scharr(im)

def alg_sobel(im, params):
    method = params['horizontal/vertical'].value
    if method == 'horizontal':
        return filters.sobel_h(im)
    elif method == 'vertical':
        return filters.sobel_v(im)
        return filters.sobel(im)

def alg_roberts(im, params):
    method = params['positive/negative diagonal'].value
    if method == 'positive':
        return filters.roberts_pos_diag(im)
    elif method == 'negative':
        return filters.roberts_neg_diag(im)
        return filters.roberts(im)

API_URL = ''

    'canny': {
        'description': 'Canny edge detection.',
        'sigma': 'Standard deviation of gaussian kernel (default 1.0)',
        'multi_chromatic': False,
        'url': API_URL+'skimage.feature.html#skimage.feature.canny',
        'algorithm': (
            lambda im, par: feature.canny(im, sigma=par['sigma'].value))
    'prewitt': {
        'description': (
            'Find edges using the Prewitt transform as one of, or '
            'combination of horizontal and vertical prewitt convolutions'),
        'horizontal/vertical': (
            'Select orientation for transform, '
            'if both then mean square of both will be used'),
        'multi_chromatic': False,
        'url': API_URL+'skimage.filters.html#skimage.filters.prewitt_h',
        'algorithm': alg_prewitt
    'scharr': {
        'description': (
            'Find edges using the Scharr transform as one of, or '
            'combination of horizontal and vertical prewitt convolutions.'
            '\nThe Scharr operator has a better rotation invariance than '
            'other edge filters such as the Sobel or the Prewitt '
        'horizontal/vertical': (
            'Select orientation for transform, '
            'if both then mean square of both will be used'),
        'multi_chromatic': False,
        'url': API_URL+'skimage.filters.html#skimage.filters.scharr_h',
        'algorithm': alg_scharr
    'sobel': {
        'description': (
            'Find edges using the Sobel transform as one of, or '
            'combination of horizontal and vertical prewitt '
        'horizontal/vertical': (
            'Select orientation for transform, '
            'if both then mean square of both will be used'),
        'multi_chromatic': False,
        'url': API_URL+'skimage.filters.html#skimage.filters.sobel_h',
        'algorithm': alg_sobel
    'roberts': {
        'description': "Find edges using Robert's cross operator.",
        'positive/negative diagonal': 'Select orientation for transform',
        'multi_chromatic': False,
        'url': API_URL+'skimage.filters.html#skimage.filters.roberts_pos_diag',
        'algorithm': alg_roberts
    'laplace': {
        'description': "Find edges using the Laplace operator.",
        'kernel size': 'Kernel size of the discrete Laplacian operator',
        'multi_chromatic': False,
        'url': API_URL+'skimage.filters.html#skimage.filters.laplace',
        'algorithm': (
            lambda im, par: filters.laplace(
                im, ksize=par['kernel size'].value))
    'FAST': {
        'description': (
            'Corner detection using the FAST '
            '(Feature from Accelerated Segment Test) method.'),
        'n': (
            'Number of points out of 16 that should be all brighter or'
            'darker than test point. (default 12)'),
        'threshold': (
            'Threshold used in determining wheter the pixels are darker or'
            'brighter (default 0.15).\nDecrease threshold when more '
            'corners are desired'),
        'multi_chromatic': False,
        'url': API_URL+'skimage.feature.html#skimage.feature.corner_fast',
        'algorithm': (
            lambda im, par: feature.corner_fast(
                im, n=par['n'].value, threshold=par['threshold'].value))
    'harris': {
        'description': 'Compute corner harris response image.',
        'harris method': (
            'Method to compute response image from auto-correlation'
        'k': (
            'Sensitivity factor to separate corners from edges, typically '
            'in range [0, 0.2]. Small values of k result in detection of '
            'sharp corners.'),
        'eps': 'Normalisation factor (Nobles corner measure)',
        'sigma': (
            'Standard deviation used for the Gaussian kernel, which is '
            'used as weighting function for the auto-correlation matrix.'),
        'multi_chromatic': False,
        'url': API_URL+'skimage.feature.html#skimage.feature.corner_harris',
        'algorithm': (
            lambda im, par: feature.corner_harris(
                method=par['harris method'].value))
    'KR': {
        'description': (
            'Compute Kitchen-Rosenfeld corner measure response image'),
        'border mode': 'Method for handling values outside the borders',
        'k': 'Value outside image borders when method constant is used.',
        'multi_chromatic': False,
        'url': (
            API_URL + 'skimage.feature.html' +
        'algorithm': (
            lambda im, par: feature.corner_kitchen_rosenfeld(
                im, cval=par['k'].value, mode=par['border mode'].value))
    'moravec': {
        'description': (
            'Compute Moravec corner measure response image.\n\n '
            'This is one of the simplest corner detectors and is '
            'comparatively fast but has several limitations '
            '(e.g. not rotation invariant).'),
        'window size': 'Size of window used during calculations',
        'multi_chromatic': False,
        'url': API_URL+'skimage.feature.html#skimage.feature.corner_moravec',
        'algorithm': (
            lambda im, par: feature.corner_moravec(
                im, window_size=par['window size'].value))
    'ST': {
        'description': (
            'Compute Shi-Tomasi (Kanade-Tomasi) corner measure response'
            'image. Uses information from auto-correlation matrix'),
        'sigma': (
            'Standard deviation used for the Gaussian kernel, which is '
            'used as weighting function for the auto-correlation matrix.'),
        'multi_chromatic': False,
        'url': (
        'algorithm': (
            lambda im, par: feature.corner_shi_tomasi(
                im, sigma=par['sigma'].value))

    'sigma', 'horizontal/vertical', 'positive/negative diagonal', 'kernel size',
    'horizontal/vertical': ['horizontal', 'vertical', 'both'],
    'kernel size': int,
    'positive/negative diagonal': ['default', 'positive', 'negative'],
    'sigma': float
    'kernel size': 3,
    'sigma': 1.0

    'n', 'threshold', 'harris method', 'k', 'eps', 'sigma',
    'border mode', 'window size'
    'border mode': ['constant', 'reflect', 'wrap', 'nearest', 'mirror'],
    'eps': float,
    'harris method': ['k', 'eps'],
    'k': float,
    'n': int,
    'sigma': float,
    'threshold': float,
    'window size': int,
    'eps': 1e-06,
    'k': 0.05,
    'n': 12,
    'sigma': 1.0,
    'threshold': 0.15,
    'window size': 1,

[docs]class EdgeDetection(ImageFiltering_abstract, GenericImageFiltering, node.Node): name = 'Edge detection' icon = 'image_edges.svg' description = ( 'Detects edges in the incoming image') nodeid = 'syip.edge_detection' algorithms = EDGE_DETECTORS options_list = EDGE_DETECTOR_PARAMETERS options_types = EDGE_DETECTOR_TYPES options_default = EDGE_DETECTOR_DEFAULTS parameters = node.parameters() parameters.set_string('algorithm', value=next(iter(algorithms)), description='', label='Algorithm') ImageFiltering_abstract.generate_parameters(parameters, options_types, options_default) inputs = Ports([ Image('source image to filter', name='source'), ]) outputs = Ports([ Image('result after filtering', name='result'), ]) __doc__ = ImageFiltering_abstract.generate_docstring( description, algorithms, options_list, inputs, outputs)
[docs]class CornerDetection(ImageFiltering_abstract, GenericImageFiltering, node.Node): name = 'Corner detection' icon = 'image_corners.svg' description = ( 'Detects corners in the incoming image') nodeid = 'syip.corner_detection' algorithms = CORNER_DETECTORS options_list = CORNER_DETECTOR_PARAMETERS options_types = CORNER_DETECTOR_TYPES options_default = CORNER_DETECTOR_DEFAULTS parameters = node.parameters() parameters.set_string('algorithm', value=next(iter(algorithms)), description='', label='Algorithm') ImageFiltering_abstract.generate_parameters(parameters, options_types, options_default) inputs = Ports([Image('source image to filter', name='source')]) outputs = Ports([Image('result after filtering', name='result')]) __doc__ = ImageFiltering_abstract.generate_docstring( description, algorithms, options_list, inputs, outputs)