Epsilon Support Vector Regression


Support vector machine based regressor (SVR)


Support vector machine based regressor (SVR)


  • C

    Regularization parameter. The strength of the regularization is inversely proportional to C. Must be strictly positive. The penalty is a squared l2 penalty.

  • kernel

    Specifies the kernel type to be used in the algorithm. It must be one of ‘linear’, ‘poly’, ‘rbf’, ‘sigmoid’, ‘precomputed’ or a callable. If none is given, ‘rbf’ will be used. If a callable is given it is used to precompute the kernel matrix.

  • epsilon

    Epsilon in the epsilon-SVR model. It specifies the epsilon-tube within which no penalty is associated in the training loss function with points predicted within a distance epsilon from the actual value.

  • gamma

    Kernel coefficient for ‘rbf’, ‘poly’ and ‘sigmoid’.

    • if gamma='scale' (default) is passed then it uses 1 / (n_features * X.var()) as value of gamma,

    • if ‘auto’, uses 1 / n_features.

    Changed in version 0.22: The default value of gamma changed from ‘auto’ to ‘scale’.

  • degree

    Degree of the polynomial kernel function (‘poly’). Ignored by all other kernels.

  • coef0

    Independent term in kernel function. It is only significant in ‘poly’ and ‘sigmoid’.

  • max_iter

    Hard limit on iterations within solver, or -1 for no limit.

  • tol

    Tolerance for stopping criterion.

  • shrinking

    Whether to use the shrinking heuristic. See the User Guide <shrinking_svm>.


  • support_

    Number of support vectors for each class.

  • support_vectors_

    Support vectors.

  • dual_coef_

    Coefficients of the support vector in the decision function.

  • intercept_

    Constants in decision function.

  • coef_

    Weights assigned to the features (coefficients in the primal problem). This is only available in the case of a linear kernel.

    coef_ is readonly property derived from dual_coef_ and support_vectors_.

Input ports:

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Input ports

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class node_regression.SupportVectorRegression[source]