Edge detection


Detects edges in the incoming image


Detects edges in the incoming image


  • canny

    Canny edge detection.


    Standard deviation of gaussian kernel (default 1.0)

  • laplace

    Find edges using the Laplace operator.

    kernel size:

    Kernel size of the discrete Laplacian operator

  • prewitt

    Find edges using the Prewitt transform as one of, or combination of horizontal and vertical prewitt convolutions


    Select orientation for transform, if both then mean square of both will be used

  • roberts

    Find edges using Robert’s cross operator.

    positive/negative diagonal:

    Select orientation for transform

  • scharr

    Find edges using the Scharr transform as one of, or combination of horizontal and vertical prewitt convolutions.

    The Scharr operator has a better rotation invariance than other edge filters such as the Sobel or the Prewitt operators


    Select orientation for transform, if both then mean square of both will be used

  • sobel

    Find edges using the Sobel transform as one of, or combination of horizontal and vertical prewitt convolutions.


    Select orientation for transform, if both then mean square of both will be used

Input ports:

source : image

source image to filter

Output ports:

result : image

result after filtering


Algorithm (algorithm)

(no description)

horizontal/vertical (horizontal/vertical)

(no description)

kernel size (kernel size)

(no description)

positive/negative diagonal (positive/negative diagonal)

(no description)

sigma (sigma)

(no description)

Some of the docstrings for this module have been extracted from the scikit-image library and are covered by their respective licenses.

class node_detection_filters.EdgeDetection[source]