Source code for sympathy.dataimporters.base

# This file is part of Sympathy for Data.
# Copyright (c) 2013, Combine Control Systems AB
# Sympathy for Data is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Sympathy for Data is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Sympathy for Data.  If not, see <>.
import traceback
import os

from .. utils.components import get_components
from .. utils import context
from .. platform.exceptions import sywarn, SyDataError
from .. api import component
from .. platform import qt_compat2
QtGui = qt_compat2.import_module(str('QtGui'))
QtWidgets = qt_compat2.import_module(str('QtWidgets'))

class DATASOURCE(object):
    FILE = 'FILE'

class IDataImportFactory(object):
    """A factory interface for DataImporters."""
    def __init__(self):

    def importer_from_datasource(self, datasource):
        """Get an importer from the given datasource."""
        raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented for interface.")

class IDataSniffer(object):
    def __init__(self):

    def sniff(self, path):
        """Sniff the given file and return the data format."""
        raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented for interface.")

class IDataImporterWidget(object):
    """Interface for data importer widgets, used to configure
    parameters to the importer."""
    def __init__(self):

class DataImporterLocator(object):
    """Given a folder locate all eligable importer classes derived from
    the IDataImporter interface."""
    def __init__(self, importer_parent_class):
        self._importer_parent_class = importer_parent_class

    def importer_from_sniffer(self, datasource):
        """Use sniffers to evaluate a valid importer and return it."""
        def valid_importer(importer):
            if importer.input_data():
                return importer.valid_for_file()
            return False

        importers = []
        for importer_cls in get_components(
                'plugin_*.py', self._importer_parent_class):
                importer = importer_cls.from_datasource(datasource, None)
                importers.append((importer_cls, importer))
            except Exception:
                    f'Failed to build importer, {importer_cls.display_name()}')

        for importer_cls, importer in sorted(
                importers, key=lambda x: x[1].auto_priority(), reverse=True):

                if valid_importer(importer):
                    return importer_cls
            except Exception:
                sywarn("{} importer failed to sniff resource. "
                       "The exception was:\n{}".format(

        return None

    def importer_from_name(self, importer_name):
        """Return the importer associated with importer_name."""
        importers = get_components('plugin_*.py', self._importer_parent_class)
        valid_importers = (importer for importer in importers
                           if importer.IMPORTER_NAME == importer_name)
            return next(valid_importers)
        except StopIteration:
            raise KeyError(importer_name)

    def available_importers(self, datasource_compatibility=None):
        """Return the available importers."""
        importers = get_components('plugin_*.py', self._importer_parent_class)
        if datasource_compatibility is None:
            return {importer.IMPORTER_NAME: importer for importer in importers}
            return {importer.IMPORTER_NAME: importer for importer in importers
                    if datasource_compatibility in importer.DATASOURCES}

class ImporterConfigurationWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget):
    def __init__(self, available_importers, parameters,
                 datasource, cardinalities=None, parent=None, node=None):
        if cardinalities is None:
            cardinalities = []

        self._parameters = parameters
        self._custom_parameters = self._parameters["custom_importer_data"]
        self._available_importers = available_importers
        self._importer_name = None
        self._datasource = datasource
        self._cardinalities = cardinalities
        self._node = node
        self.widgets = []


    def _init_gui(self):
        vlayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout()
        hlayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout()

        importer_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("Importer to use")
        self._importer_combobox = QtWidgets.QComboBox()

        self.stacked_widget = QtWidgets.QStackedWidget()

        importers = sorted(
            key=lambda x: x.display_name())

        for i, importer_cls in enumerate(importers):
            self._importer_combobox.setItemData(i, importer_cls.identifier())

        for importer_cls in importers:
            importer_name = importer_cls.identifier()
            display_name = importer_cls.display_name()

                if importer_name not in self._custom_parameters:

                importer_parameters = self._custom_parameters[importer_name]

                if importer_cls.supports_datasource():
                    importer = importer_cls.from_datasource(
                        self._datasource, importer_parameters)
                    # File based importers should handle None.
                    importer = importer_cls(
                        self._datasource.decode_path(), importer_parameters)


                if not context.is_original(importer.parameter_view):
                    # parameter_widget = QtWidgets.QLabel()
                    parameter_widget = (
                    parameter_widget = QtWidgets.QLabel()

            except Exception:
                parameter_widget = QtWidgets.QLabel('Failed to load')
                sywarn("{} importer failed to build its configuration gui. "
                       "The exception was:\n{}".format(
                           display_name, traceback.format_exc()))


        vlayout.addItem(QtWidgets.QSpacerItem(500, 1))
        fail_layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout()


    def _init_gui_from_parameters(self):
        active_importer = self._parameters["active_importer"].value
        index = self._importer_combobox.findData(active_importer)
        # Select the first item if none is selected.
        if index == -1:

    def _importer_changed(self, index):
        active_importer = str(self._importer_combobox.itemData(index))
        self._parameters["active_importer"].value = active_importer

    def cleanup(self):
        for parameter_widget in self.widgets:
            if parameter_widget and hasattr(parameter_widget, 'cleanup'):

# External API

[docs]class IDataImporter(component.NodePlugin): """Interface for a DataImporter. It's important to set IMPORTER_NAME to a unique name otherwise errors will occur.""" IMPORTER_NAME = "UNDEFINED" DISPLAY_NAME = None DATASOURCES = [DATASOURCE.FILE] one_to_one, one_to_many, many_to_one = range(3) def __init__(self, fq_infilename, parameters): """ Parameters ---------- fq_infilename : str or datasource Fully qualified filename or datasource for plugins that support it (supports_datasource()). parameters : ParameterGroup or NoneType plugin parameters or None, make sure to handle the case where None is passed for parameters. """ self._cardinality = self.one_to_one self._fq_infilename = fq_infilename self._parameters = parameters self._supported_cardinalities = None self._node = None super().__init__() @classmethod def from_datasource(cls, datasource, parameters): if cls.supports_datasource(): input_data = datasource else: if datasource.decode_type() == datasource.modes.file: input_data = datasource.decode_path() else: return NullImporter(cls, datasource, parameters) return cls(input_data, parameters)
[docs] @classmethod def identifier(cls): """ Returns ------- str Unique identifier for importer. """ return cls.IMPORTER_NAME
[docs] @classmethod def display_name(cls): """ Returns ------- str Display name for importer. """ return cls.DISPLAY_NAME or cls.IMPORTER_NAME
[docs] def valid_for_file(self): """ Returns ------- bool True if plugin handles self._fq_infilename. """ return False
[docs] def import_data(self, out_file, parameters=None, progress=None): """ Fill out_file with data. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def supports_datasource(cls) -> bool: """ Returns ------- bool True if importer supports datasource input as self._fq_infilename. """ return False
[docs] @classmethod def name(cls): """ Returns ------- str Name for importer. """ return cls.IMPORTER_NAME
@context.original def parameter_view(self, parameters): """ Returns ------- QtWidgets.QWidget GUI widget for importer. """ return QtWidgets.QWidget()
[docs] def is_type(self): """ Returns ------- bool True if self._fq_infilename points to a native "sydata file. """ return False
[docs] @classmethod def cardinalities(cls): """ Return list of options for cardinality. In order of preference, first choice is the preferred. """ return [cls.one_to_one]
[docs] def cardinality(self): """ Relation between input elements and output elements created. The result is the first out of any items from cardinalities() that is also part of the cardinalites set as supported using set_supported_cardinalities(). Returns ------- int Cardinality enum. IDataImporter.one_to_one, IDataImporter.one_to_many IDataImporter.many_to_one. """ supported = self._supported_cardinalities or [] for option in self.cardinalities(): if option in supported: return option return self.one_to_one
[docs] def set_supported_cardinalities(self, options): """ Set relation between input elements and output elements created that is supported for the importer. Parameters ---------- options : list of Cardinality enum List of supported cardinalities for importer. """ self._supported_cardinalities = options
[docs] @classmethod def auto_priority(cls) -> int: """ Return integer number, 0-99 representing how early this plugin should be attempted when used in auto configuration. Higher values before lower values. """ return 50
def input_data(self): return self._fq_infilename @classmethod def plugin_impl_name(cls) -> str: return cls.display_name()
[docs] def node(self): """Return the current node or None if set_node was not called.""" return self._node
def set_node(self, node): self._node = node @classmethod def _invalid_importer_prefix(cls): return f'{cls.display_name()} importer is not valid for ' @classmethod def invalid_file(cls, filename): return SyDataError( ''.join([cls._invalid_importer_prefix(), f'file: {filename}.'])) @classmethod def invalid_datasource(cls, datasource): return SyDataError( ''.join([cls._invalid_importer_prefix(), f'{datasource.decode_type()} ' f'datasource: {datasource.decode_path()}.'])) @classmethod def invalid_datasource_type(cls, datasource): return SyDataError( ''.join([cls._invalid_importer_prefix(), f'{datasource.decode_type()} datasource type.'])) def import_failed(self, e=None): if e: return SyDataError(f'Import failed due to {e}.') return SyDataError('Import failed.') @classmethod def check_file(cls, path): if path is None: raise SyDataError('Filename is None.') elif not path: raise SyDataError('Filename is empty.') else: if os.path.isdir(path): raise SyDataError( f'File datasource points to directory: {path}.') elif not os.path.isfile(path): raise SyDataError(f'File does not exist: {path}.') return path @classmethod def check_datasource_type(cls, datasource, expected): actual = datasource.decode_type() if actual != expected: raise cls.invalid_datasource_type(datasource) return datasource @classmethod def check_datasource(cls, datasource): try: type = datasource.decode_type() path = datasource.decode_path() except Exception: type = None path = None if not type: raise SyDataError( 'Datasource without type is invalid.') elif type == datasource.modes.file: cls.check_file(path) else: if not path: raise SyDataError( f'Empty {type} datasource.') return datasource
class NullImporter(IDataImporter): def __init__(self, cls, fq_infilename, parameters): super().__init__(fq_infilename, parameters) self._cls = cls @staticmethod def plugin_base_name(): return 'Null Importer' @classmethod def supports_datasource(cls): return True def valid_for_file(self): return False def import_data(self, out_file, parameters=None, progress=None): raise self._cls.invalid_datasource_type(self._fq_infilename)
[docs]class ADAFDataImporterBase(IDataImporter): def __init__(self, fq_infilename, parameters): super().__init__(fq_infilename, parameters) @staticmethod def plugin_base_name(): return 'Import ADAF' def valid_for_file(self): """Return True if this importer is valid for fq_filename.""" return False def is_type(self): return self.is_adaf() def is_adaf(self): """Is the file to be imported a valid ADAF file.""" return False
[docs]class TableDataImporterBase(IDataImporter): @staticmethod def plugin_base_name(): return 'Import Table' def valid_for_file(self): """Return True if this importer is valid for fq_filename.""" return False def is_type(self): return self.is_table() def is_table(self): """Is the file to be imported a valid Table file.""" return False
[docs]class TextDataImporterBase(IDataImporter): @staticmethod def plugin_base_name(): return 'Import Text' def valid_for_file(self): """Return True if this importer is valid for fq_filename.""" return False def is_type(self): return self.is_text() def is_text(self): """Is the file to be imported a valid Table file.""" return False
[docs]class JsonDataImporterBase(IDataImporter): @staticmethod def plugin_base_name(): return 'Import JSON' def valid_for_file(self): """Return True if this importer is valid for fq_filename.""" return False def is_type(self): return self.is_json() def is_json(self): """Is the file to be imported a valid Json file.""" return False
class AutoImporterMixin: IMPORTER_NAME = "Auto" DATASOURCES = [DATASOURCE.FILE, DATASOURCE.DATABASE] def __init__(self, fq_infilename, parameters): self.__importer_class = None super().__init__(fq_infilename, parameters) @classmethod def supports_datasource(cls) -> bool: # Must be supported by AutoImported which then uses from_datasource # to handle importer_class input. return True def _importer_class(self): if self._fq_infilename is not None: if self.__importer_class is None: self.__importer_class = ( plugin_for_file( self._IMPORTER_BASE, self._fq_infilename)) return self.__importer_class def valid_for_file(self): """Never valid when sniffing.""" return False def name(self): return self.IMPORTER_NAME def is_type(self): importer_class = self._importer_class() if importer_class is None: raise SyDataError( "No importer could automatically be found for this file.") importer = importer_class.from_datasource( self._fq_infilename, self._parameters) importer.set_supported_cardinalities(self._supported_cardinalities) return importer.is_type() def parameter_view(self, parameters): importer_class = self._importer_class() if importer_class is None: text = "No importer could automatically be found for this file." else: text = "This file will be imported using the {} importer.".format( importer_class.display_name()) return QtWidgets.QLabel(text) def import_data(self, out_datafile, parameters=None, progress=None): """Sniff all available importers.""" importer_class = self._importer_class() if importer_class is None: raise SyDataError( "No importer could automatically be found for this file.") importer = importer_class.from_datasource( self._fq_infilename, self._parameters) importer.set_supported_cardinalities(self._supported_cardinalities) importer.import_data(out_datafile, parameters, progress) def cardinalities(self): importer_class = self._importer_class() if importer_class is None: return [] else: importer = importer_class.from_datasource( self._fq_infilename, self._parameters) return [c for c in importer.cardinalities() if c in self._supported_cardinalities or []] def available_plugins(plugin_base_class, datasource_compatibility=None): dil = DataImporterLocator(plugin_base_class) return dil.available_importers(datasource_compatibility) def plugin_for_file(plugin_base_class, datasource): dil = DataImporterLocator(plugin_base_class) return dil.importer_from_sniffer(datasource) def configuration_widget(plugins, parameters, datasource, cardinalities=None, node=None): return ImporterConfigurationWidget(plugins, parameters, datasource, cardinalities=cardinalities, node=node)