.. _`Zip Tuple`: .. _`org.sysess.sympathy.tuple.ziptuple2`: Zip Tuple ````````` .. image:: zip.svg :width: 48 Documentation ::::::::::::: Create a list of tuples from two (or more) lists. Definition :::::::::: Input ports ........... **input** 2 - inf, ['sylist', ['sygeneric', ['syletters', ['syindex']]]] Input Output ports ............ **output** ['sylist', ['sytuple', ['symap', ['syunlist'], ['sytypes', ['sygroup', 'input']]]]] Output Configuration ............. **Strategy for different length lists:** (len_strategy) How should the node handle the situation when the input lists are of different lengths? Examples ........ * :download:`TupleOperations.syx ` Implementation .............. .. automodule:: node_tuple_operations :noindex: .. class:: ZipTuple :noindex: