.. _`GeoJSON`: .. _`org.sysess.sympathy.html.dicttogeojson`: GeoJSON ~~~~~~~ .. image:: geojson.svg :width: 48 Import a dict of GeoJSON data and show on a map. **Documentation** Import a dict of GeoJSON data and show on a map. In order to use this node an account at `mapbox ` is required (it is free). Create an access token and use it in the environment variable MAPBOX_API_KEY when starting Sympathy in order to see the map properly. Linux and OSX: .. code-block:: bash MAPBOX_API_KEY="" python -m sympathy gui Windows: .. code-block:: bat set MAPBOX_API_KEY= python -m sympathy gui **Definition** *Input ports* :dict: {json} Dict of JSON *Output ports* :geojson: geojson GeoJSON .. automodule:: node_html :noindex: .. class:: GeoJSONNode :noindex: **Example flows** * :download:`Html.syx `