.. _`Generate Signal Table`: .. _`org.sysess.sympathy.generate.signaltable`: Generate Signal Table ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: signal.svg :width: 48 Generate a Table with signals like sine, cosine, etc., with or without random noise. **Documentation** Available signals are currently sine, cosines or tangent. Noise ----- If 'Add random noise' is checked, random white noise with the specified amplitude will be added to each signal. **Definition** *Input ports* *Output ports* :port0: table Signal Table *Configuration*: **Column entries** (column_entries) The number of column entries to be generated. **Column length** (column_length) The length of columns to be generated. **Signal type** (signal_type) The signal to be generated. **Amplitude** (amplitude) The amplitude of the signal to be generated. **Frequency** (frequency) The frequency in inverse samples of the signal to be generated. **Period** (period) The period in samples of the signal to be generated. **Period or Frequency** (use_period) Use Period [Checked] or Frequency [Unchecked] to generate the signal. **Phase offset** (phase_offset) Phase offset in radians of the signal to be generated. **Add random noise** (add_noise) If random noise should be added to the signals. **Amplitude of noise** (noise_amplitude) The amplitude of the noise. **First column as index** (index_column) Add an index column to the beginning of the table. .. automodule:: node_generate :noindex: .. class:: GenerateSignalTable :noindex: **Related nodes** * :ref:`org.sysess.sympathy.generate.signaltables` * :ref:`org.sysess.sympathy.random.randomtable` **Example flows** * :download:`SequenceSplit.syx `