.. _`Create Table`: .. _`org.sysess.sympathy.create.createtable`: Create Table ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: create_table.svg :width: 48 Create a Table from scratch in a configuration Gui. **Documentation** By default the created Table will be empty so to add data to it you first need to create at least one column and then add at least one row. The name and type of a column can be changed at any time from the context menu of the column header. Cells can be masked or unmasked from the context menu of a cell or a selection of many cells. **Definition** *Input ports* *Output ports* :port0: table Manually created table *Configuration*: **GUI** (json_table) Configuration window .. automodule:: node_create_table :noindex: .. class:: CreateTable :noindex: **Example flows** * :download:`InputOutputGenerate.syx `