.. _`Debug Import`: .. _`org.sysess.sympathy.debug.import`: Debug Import ============ .. image:: debug_import.svg :width: 48 Import internal data structure created by Debug Export. Can only read files exported in this Sympathy version. **Documentation** This is not a regular import node. The files to be imported must be created by :ref:`org.sysess.sympathy.debug.export` on the same Sympathy version. If you just want to read normal exported sydata files you should use :ref:`Table`, :ref:`ADAF` etc. On the other hand this node is able to import any data type from a sydata file, which can be useful for debugging purposes. **Definition** *Input ports* :filename: datasource Filename :type: 1 - 1, Type constraint *Output ports* :data: Data .. automodule:: node_debug_io .. class:: DebugImport **Related nodes** * :ref:`org.sysess.sympathy.debug.export`