.. _`Conditional error/warning`: .. _`org.sysess.sympathy.data.table.conditionalerror`: Conditional error/warning ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: error.svg :width: 48 Raise an error if the supplied predicate function returns True. See https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/controlflow.html#lambda-expressions for a description of lambda functions. Have a look at the :ref:`Data type APIs` to see what methods and attributes are available on the data type that you are working with. *Input ports*: :in: Input *Output ports*: :out: Output *Configuration*: **Predicate function:** (predicate) Error message is printed if this function returns True. **Error message:** (error_msg) Error message to display to the user. **Severity:** (error_type) The level "Error" stops flow execution. .. automodule:: node_conditional_error .. class:: ConditionalError Example flows ############# * :download:`Test.syx `