.. _`HJoin ADAFs`: .. _`org.sysess.sympathy.data.adaf.hjoinadafslist`: HJoin ADAFs ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: hjoin_adaf.svg :width: 48 Horizontal join of a list of ADAFs into one ADAF. This means that all systems in each ADAF is are congregated into one ADAF with many systems. Using the option 'Use index as prefix' will result in columns and systems results in systems' names getting the list index of the ADAF as a prefix to keep systems with the same names. Meta data and results will be joined horizontally with the same prefixing. Unchecking the option results in the same behaviour as Hjoin ADAFs where all but the latest instance are discarded. *Input ports*: :port1: [adaf] ADAFs list *Output ports*: :port1: adaf Joined ADAFs *Configuration*: **Merge rasters** (merge) If rasters have the same name, merge them .. automodule:: node_hjoin_adaf .. class:: HJoinADAFsList Example flows ############# * :download:`HJoinADAF.syx `