.. _`Filter List with Table`: .. _`org.sysess.sympathy.list.filterlisttable`: Filter List with Table ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: filter_list.svg :width: 48 Filter nodes with Table input takes a table on the upper port and use it to filter the list on the lower port. The table must contain a single column which should be at least as long as the list on the lower port. Lets call it the filter-column. Now for each item in the incoming list the corresponding index of the filter-column is inspected. If it is True (or is considered True in Python, e.g. any non-zero integer or a non-empty string) the item is included in the filtered list. And vice versa, if the value in the filter-column is False (or is considered False in Python, e.g. 0 or an empty string) the corresponding item is not included in the filtered list. Filter a list using an incoming table. *Input ports*: :filter: table Filter :in: [] List of items *Output ports*: :out: [] Filtered list of items *Configuration*: **Filter column** (filter) Select the column which holds the filter .. automodule:: node_filter_list .. class:: FilterListTable Example flows ############# * :download:`Predicates.syx `