.. _`Threshold image`: .. _`syip.threshold`: Threshold image ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: image_threshold.svg :width: 48 Applies a threshold to an image giving a boolean output *Algorithms*: - `adaptive`_ Applies an adaptive threshold to an array. Also known as local or dynamic thresholding where the threshold value is the weighted mean for the local neighborhood of a pixel subtracted by a constant. **threshold method:** Method used for calculating adaptive threshold **kernel size:** Size of blocks used during threshold check. Must be an odd number. (default 3) **offset:** Constant subtracted from weighted mean of neighborhood to calculate the local threshold value. (default 0.0) **sigma:** Standard deviation of gaussian kernel when method gaussian is used. - `automatic`_ Performs global thresholding based a selection of automatic algorithms with none or few parameters **auto threshold method:** Method used for calculating threshold - *basic* Compares each channel with a threshold **threshold:** Threshold value to compare with .. _adaptive: http://scikit-image.org/docs/0.13.x/api/skimage.filters.html#skimage.filters.threshold_local .. _automatic: http://scikit-image.org/docs/0.13.x/api/skimage.filters.html *Input ports*: **source** : image source image to filter *Output ports*: **result** : image result after filtering *Configuration*: **Algorithm** (algorithm) (no description) **threshold method** (threshold method) (no description) **auto threshold method** (auto threshold method) (no description) **offset** (offset) (no description) **threshold** (threshold) (no description) **kernel size** (kernel size) (no description) **sigma** (sigma) (no description) .. automodule:: node_threshold .. class:: ThresholdImage