.. _`Jinja2 template (deprecated)`: .. _`org.sysess.sympathy.texts.jinja2template`: Jinja2 template (deprecated) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: jinja_template.svg :width: 48 Create and render a jinja2 template. See `Jinja2 `_ for full syntax of the template engine. Use {{column name}} for accessing the first row of a column, or use 'arg' inside a jinja for-loop to access full table. Example of iterating over each column:: {% for name in arg.column_names() %} The column name is: {{name}} The column data is: {% for value in arg.col(name).data %} {{value}} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} Example of iterating over each row:: {% for row in arg.to_rows() %} {% for value in row %} {{value}} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} *Input ports*: :in: table Input data *Output ports*: :out: text Rendered Template *Configuration*: **template** Enter template here .. automodule:: node_text_operations .. class:: Jinja2TemplateOld Example flows ############# * :download:`Jinja2.syx `