Slice data Table


Slice the rows in Tables or elements in lists of Tables or ADAFs.

The slice pattern is expressed with standard Python syntax, [start:stop:step]. See example below to get a clear view how it works for a list.

>>> li = ['elem0', 'elem1', 'elem2', 'elem3', 'elem4']
>>> li[1:3]
['elem1', 'elem2']
>>> li[1:-1]
['elem1', 'elem2', 'elem3']
>>> li[0:3]
['elem0', 'elem1', 'elem2']
>>> li[:3]
['elem0', 'elem1', 'elem2']
>>> li[3:]
['elem3', 'elem4']
>>> li[:]
['elem0', 'elem1', 'elem2', 'elem3', 'elem4']
>>> li[::2]
['elem0', 'elem2', 'elem4']
>>> li[:4:2]
['elem0', 'elem2']
>>> li[1::2]
['elem1', 'elem3']
class node_slice.SliceDataTable[source]

Slice rows in Table. The number of columns are conserved during the slice operation.

Ref. nodes:

Slice data Tables

port1 : table

Input Table

port2 : table

Table consisting of the rows that been sliced out from the incoming Table according to the defined pattern. The number of columns are conserved during the slice operation


Use standard Python syntax to define pattern for slice operation, [start:stop:step]

Limit preview to

Specify the maximum number of rows in the preview table