Generate Signal Tables


To generate data fast and easy is valuable when you want to test the functionality of nodes or during the development process of nodes. In Sympathy random data can be generated for both Tables and ADAFs, both a single object or as a list with several objects. The random data consists of random floats in the half-open interval [0.0, 1.0). The Generate Signal Nodes allow the generation of sinus, cosines or tangent signals with or without added random noise.

The properties of the outgoing objects are specified in the configuration of the nodes. For example for ADAFs, it is possible to specify the number of signals in the various containers, how many attributes will be connected to each signal or the number of elements in the signals. Similar properties can be specified for Tables, where far less alternatives are given.

class node_generate.GenerateSignalTables[source]

Generates a list of tables with signals like sinus, cosinus, etc.

Ref. nodes:

Generate Signal Table

port0 : [table]

Signal Tables

Column entries

The number of column entries to be generated.

Column length

The length of columns to be generated.

Table list length

The length of table list to be generated.

Signal type

The signal to be generated.


The amplitude of the signal to be generated.


The frequency of the signal to be generated.


The period of the signal to be generated.

Period or Frequency

Use Period [Checked] or Frequency [Unchecked] to generate the signal.

Phase offset

The phase offset of the signal to be generated.

Add random noise

If random noise should be added to the signals.

Amplitude of noise

The amplitude of the noise.

First column as index

Add an index column to the beginning of the table.