RAW Tables


Table is the internal data type in Sympathy for Data representing a two-dimensional data set. A Table consists of an arbitrary number of columns, where all columns have the equal number of elements. Each column has an unique header and a defined data type - all elements in a column are of the same data type. In a Table, the columns are not bound to have same data type, columns with different data types can be mixed in a Table. The supported data types for the columns are the same as for numpy arrays, with exception for the object type, np.object. Optional, an column can also be given additional attributes, like unit or description.

The importation into Tables are based on plugins, where each supported file format has its own plugin. The plugins have their own configurations which are reached by choosing among the tabs in the configuration GUI. The documentation for each plugin is obtained by clicking at the listed file formats below.

The node has an auto configuration which uses a validy check in the plugins to detect and choose the proper plugin for the considered datasource. When the node is executed in the auto mode the default settings for the plugins will be used.

Existing file formats plugins:
  • CSV
  • HDF5
  • MAT (Sympathy specific format, see Matlab API)
  • SQL
  • SyData
  • XLS
class node_import_table.ImportRAWTables(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Import Tables from a single HDF5-file.

port1 : DataSource

Datasource with a filepath to a HDF5-file.

port1 : Tables

Tables with data from HDF5-file.


No configuration.

Opposite node:
Ref. nodes: