
Please see F(x) Table for the basics on f(x) nodes.

The main base class for adaf f(x) nodes is called ADAFWrapper. It gives access to the variables self.in_adaf and self.out_adaf which are of the type adaf.File so you will need to use the ADAF API.

class node_adaf_function_selector.FunctionSelectorADAF(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Apply functions to an ADAF.

port1 : Datasource

Path to Python file with scripted functions.

port2 : ADAF

ADAF with data to apply functions to.

port3 : ADAF

ADAF with the results from the applied functions.

Clean output

If disabled the incoming data will be copied to the output before running the nodes.

Select functions

Choose one or many of the listed functions to run.

Enable pass-through

If disabled only selected functions are run. Enable this to override the functions selection and run all functions in the python file.

Ref. nodes:

F(x) Table F(x) ADAFs