Source code for sympathy.typeutils.adaf

# Copyright (c) 2013, System Engineering Software Society
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
#     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
#       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
#     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
#       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
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#     * Neither the name of the System Engineering Software Society nor the
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#       derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
API for working with the ADAF type.

Import this module like this::

    from sympathy.api import adaf

The ADAF structure
An ADAF consists of three parts: meta data, results, and timeseries.

Meta data contains information about the data in the ADAF. Stuff like when,
where and how it was measured or what parameter values were used to generated
it. A general guideline is that the meta data should be enough to (at least in
theory) reproduce the data in the ADAF.

Results and timeseries contain the actual data. Results are always scalar
whereas the timeseries can have any number of values.

Timeseries can come in several systems and each system can contain several
rasters. Each raster in turn has one basis and any number of timeseries. So
for example an experiment where some signals are sampled at 100Hz and others
are sampled only once per second would have (at least) two rasters. A basis
doesn't have to be uniform but can have samples only every now and then.

.. _accessing_adaf:

Accessing the data
The :class:`adaf.File` object has two members called ``meta`` and ``res``
containing the meta data and results respectively. Both are :class:`Group`

Example of how to use ``meta`` (``res`` is completely analogous):
    >>> from sympathy.api import adaf
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> f = adaf.File()
    >>> f.meta.create_column(
    ...     'Duration', np.array([3]), {'unit': 'h'})
    >>> f.meta.create_column(
    ...     'Relative humidity', np.array([63]), {'unit': '%'})
    >>> print(f.meta['Duration'].value())
    >>> print(f.meta['Duration'].attr['unit'])

Timeseries can be accessed in two different ways. Either via the member
``sys`` or via the member ``ts``. Using sys is generally recommended since
``ts`` handles multiple timeseries with the same name across different rasters

Example of how to use sys:
    >>> f.sys.create('Measurement system')
    >>> f.sys['Measurement system'].create('Raster1')
    >>> f.sys['Measurement system']['Raster1'].create_basis(
    ...     np.array([0.01, 0.02, 0.03]),
    ...     {'unit': 's'})
    >>> f.sys['Measurement system']['Raster1'].create_signal(
    ...     'Amount of stuff',
    ...     np.array([1, 2, 3]),
    ...     {'unit': 'kg'})
    >>> f.sys['Measurement system']['Raster1'].create_signal(
    ...     'Process status',
    ...     np.array(['a', 'b', 'c']),
    ...     {'description': 'a=awesome, b=bad, c=critical'})
    >>> f.sys.keys()
    ['Measurement system']
    >>> f.sys['Measurement system'].keys()
    >>> f.sys['Measurement system']['Raster1'].keys()
    ['Signal1', 'Signal2']
    >>> print(f.sys['Measurement system']['Raster1']['Signal1'].t)
    [ 0.01  0.02  0.03]
    >>> print(f.sys['Measurement system']['Raster1']['Signal1'].y)
    [1 2 3]
    >>> print(f.sys['Measurement system']['Raster1']['Signal1'].unit())

The rasters are of type :class:`RasterN`.

Class :class:`adaf.File`
.. autoclass:: File

Class :class:`Group`
.. autoclass:: Group

Class :class:`RasterN`
.. autoclass:: RasterN

Class :class:`Timeseries`
.. autoclass:: Timeseries

Class :class:`Column`
.. autoclass:: Column
from __future__ import (print_function, division, unicode_literals,
import six
if six.PY2:
    import collections as abc
    from collections import abc

from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import datetime
from getpass import getuser
from os import getenv
import sys
import numpy as np
import itertools
from . import table as ttable
from .. types import sybase
from .. types import sylist
from .. types import types
from .. types.factory import typefactory
from .. utils import filebase
from .. utils import dtypes
from .. utils.prim import combined_key
from .. platform import exceptions
from .. utils.context import inherit_doc

fs_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding()

def datetime_to_isoformat_string(datetime_object):
    return datetime_object.isoformat()

def isoformat_string_to_datetime(isoformat_string):
        return datetime.strptime(
            isoformat_string, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
    except ValueError:
        return datetime.strptime(
            isoformat_string, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")

def is_adaf(scheme, filename):
    return File.is_type(filename, scheme)

def is_adafs(scheme, filename):
    return FileList.is_type(filename, scheme)

def plural(count):
    Return plural word ending for english.
    I.e. 's' if count != 1 else ''.
    return 's' if count != 1 else ''

def non_unique(values):
    """Return a set of non-unique values for iterable values."""
    dups = set()
    for i, value in enumerate(values):
        # Only look forward, cause we already checked earlier values
        if value in values[i + 1:]:
    return dups

def check_raster_bases(sys):
    """Return a list of all raster that have no basis."""
    rasters_wo_bases = []
    for sname, system in sys.items():
        for rname, raster in system.items():
            except KeyError:
                if sname:
                    rasters_wo_bases.append("'{}'/'{}'".format(sname, rname))
    return rasters_wo_bases

def sys_warnings(sys):
    Return a list of string warnings for a mapping of rasters.
    Warns about rasters without bases and conflicting timeseries names.
    systems = [system for system in sys.keys()]
    rasters = []
    for system in systems:
    ts = []
    for raster in rasters:
    lines = []

    # Warn about name conflicts
    name_conflicts = non_unique(ts)
    if name_conflicts:
        c = len(name_conflicts)
        if c != 1:
                "Warning: {} timeseries names "
                "occur more than once.".format(c))
                "Warning: Timeseries name '{}' "
                "occur more than once.".format(name_conflicts.pop()))

    # Warn about rasters without bases
    rasters_wo_bases = check_raster_bases(sys)
    if rasters_wo_bases:
        c = len(rasters_wo_bases)
        if c != 1:
            lines.append("Warning: {} rasters have no bases".format(c))
            lines.append("Warning: Raster '{}' has no basis".format(
    return lines

def descriptive_narray(name, narray):
    return "  .{0} => {1}".format(name, short_narray(narray))

def short_narray(narray):
    # Temporarily change the way numpy prints
    old_options = np.get_printoptions()
    np.set_printoptions(precision=4, suppress=True, threshold=12)
    pretty_narray = repr(narray)
    return pretty_narray

[docs]@filebase.typeutil('sytypealias adaf = (meta: sytable, res: sytable,' ' root: sytable, sys:{(attr:sytable, ' 'data:{(attr:sytable, data:sytable)})})') @inherit_doc @six.python_2_unicode_compatible class File(filebase.TypeAlias): """ File represents the top level of the ADAF format. Any node port with the *ADAF* type will produce an object of this kind. Use the members ``meta``, ``res`` and ``sys`` to access the data. See :ref:`accessing_adaf` for an example. """ VERSION = '1.2'
[docs] def init(self): self.meta = Group(self._data.meta, name="meta") self.res = Group(self._data.res, name="res") self.root = Group(self._data.root, name="root") self.sys = SystemGroupContainer(self._data.sys, name='sys') self.ts = TimeseriesGroup(self.sys)
[docs] def sync(self): if not self.package_id(): self.__set_package_id() if not self.timestamp(): self.__set_timestamp() if not self.user_id(): self.__set_user_id() if not self._get_file_attribute('version'): self.__set_version()
[docs] def names(self, kind=None, **kwargs): """ The names that can be automatically adjusted from an adaf. kind should be one of 'cols' (all column names from meta, res, and all rasters), 'ts' (all signal names from all rasters), or 'rasters' (all raster names including system names). """ kind = kind or 'cols' res = [] if kind == 'cols': res.extend(sorted(set(itertools.chain(self.ts.keys(), self.meta.keys(), self.res.keys())))) elif kind == 'calc': for system in self.sys.keys(): for raster in self.sys[system].keys(): for signal in self.sys[system][raster].keys(): name = ".sys['{}']['{}']['{}'].".format( system, raster, signal) res.append(name + 'y') res.append(name + 't') elif kind == 'ts': res.extend(sorted(set(self.ts.keys()))) elif kind == 'rasters': res.extend(sorted(['/'.join((sname, rname)) for sname, system in self.sys.items() for rname in system.keys()])) return res
[docs] def types(self, kind=None, **kwargs): """Return types associated with names.""" res = [] if kind == 'calc': for system in self.sys.keys(): for raster in self.sys[system].keys(): basis_type = self.sys[system][raster].basis_column().dtype for signal in self.sys[system][raster].keys(): item_type = self.sys[system][raster][signal] res.append(item_type.dtype) res.append(basis_type) return res
@property def tb(self): raise Exception("Avoid using 'tb' member, use 'sys' instead.") @tb.setter def tb(self, value): raise Exception("Avoid using 'tb' member, use 'sys' instead.")
[docs] def hjoin(self, other_adaf): """HJoin ADAF with other ADAF. See also node :ref:`HJoin ADAF`.""" self.meta.hjoin(other_adaf.meta) self.res.hjoin(other_adaf.res) self.sys.hjoin(other_adaf.sys)
[docs] def vjoin(self, other_adafs, input_index, output_index, fill, minimum_increment, include_rasters=False, use_reference_time=False): """VJoin ADAF with other ADAF. See also node :ref:`VJoin ADAF`.""" basis_name = '__hopefully_unique_adaf_basis_name__' from_seconds = {'us': 1e6, 'ms': 1e3, 's': 1} raster_times = [] def fill_empty(enum_rasters): curr = 0 empty = ttable.File() result = [] for i, raster_table in enum_rasters: result.extend([empty] * (i - curr)) result.append(raster_table) curr = i + 1 return result def update_reference_time(raster_table, timedelta, unit): attributes = raster_table.get_column_attributes(basis_name) offset = timedelta.total_seconds() * from_seconds[unit] raster_table.set_column_from_array( basis_name, raster_table.get_column_to_array(basis_name) + offset) raster_table.set_column_attributes(basis_name, attributes) self.meta.vjoin( [other.meta for other in other_adafs], input_index, output_index, fill, minimum_increment) self.res.vjoin( [other.res for other in other_adafs], input_index, output_index, fill, minimum_increment) if include_rasters: raster_lookup = {} for i, other_adaf in enumerate(other_adafs): for system_key, system_value in other_adaf.sys.items(): system = raster_lookup.setdefault(system_key, {}) for raster_key, raster_value in system_value.items(): system.setdefault(raster_key, []).append( (i, raster_value)) if use_reference_time: raster_times.append( raster_value.attr.get( 'reference_time', '')) if use_reference_time: raster_times = [rtime for rtime in raster_times if rtime] reftime_min = min(raster_times) if raster_times else None for system_key, system_value in six.iteritems(raster_lookup): system = self.sys.create(system_key) for raster_key, raster_value in six.iteritems(system_value): raster = system.create(raster_key) raster_table = ttable.File() raster_new = [] raster_times = [] last_unit = None for i, rastern in raster_value: reftime = rastern.attr.get( 'reference_time', '') unit = rastern.basis_column().attr.get('unit', '') if use_reference_time: if reftime != '' and unit != '': if last_unit and last_unit != unit: print('Excluding raster with different' ' unit.') continue raster_new.append( (i, rastern.to_table(basis_name=basis_name))) raster_times.append(reftime) else: print('Excluding raster missing ' 'reference_time or unit.') else: raster_new.append(( i, rastern.to_table(basis_name=basis_name))) last_unit = unit if raster_new: if use_reference_time: for (i, rastert), reftime, in zip(raster_new, raster_times): update_reference_time( rastert, reftime - reftime_min, unit) raster_table.vjoin( [rastert for rastert in fill_empty(raster_new)], input_index, output_index, fill, minimum_increment) if (use_reference_time and raster_table.number_of_columns()): raster_table = ttable.File.from_dataframe( raster_table.to_dataframe().sort_values( basis_name, ascending=True)) raster_table.set_name(raster_key) try: for column_name in raster_table.column_names(): raster_table.set_column_attributes( column_name, raster_new[0][1].get_column_attributes( column_name)) except KeyError: pass raster.from_table(raster_table, basis_name=basis_name, use_basis_name=False) if use_reference_time and reftime_min is not None: raster.attr.set('reference_time', reftime_min)
[docs] def vsplit(self, other_adafs, input_index, remove_fill, require_index, include_rasters=False): """ VSplit ADAF, appending the resulting ADAFs onto ``other_adafs`` list. """ meta_keys = self.meta.keys() res_keys = self.res.keys() if require_index and meta_keys and input_index not in meta_keys: raise Exception( 'Meta missing Input Index {0}'.format(input_index)) if require_index and res_keys and input_index not in self.res.keys(): raise Exception( 'Res missing Input Index {0}'.format(input_index)) meta_list = [] sybase.vsplit( self.meta.to_table()._data, meta_list, input_index, remove_fill) res_list = [] sybase.vsplit( self.res.to_table()._data, res_list, input_index, remove_fill) ts_dict = {} basis_name = '__hopefully_unique_adaf_basis_name__' if include_rasters: for system_key, system_value in self.sys.items(): for raster_key, raster_value in system_value.items(): ts_list = [] try: raster_table = raster_value.to_table( basis_name=basis_name) sybase.vsplit( raster_table._data, ts_list, input_index, remove_fill) except KeyError: # Assuming that the raster is empty and failing due to # missing named basis. pass for key, value in ts_list: ts_group = ts_dict.setdefault(key, {}) ts_system = ts_group.setdefault(system_key, {}) ts_system[raster_key] = value meta_dict = OrderedDict(meta_list) res_dict = OrderedDict(res_list) for key in sorted(set( itertools.chain( meta_dict.keys(), res_dict.keys(), ts_dict.keys()))): adaf = File() if key in meta_dict: adaf.meta.from_table(ttable.File(data=meta_dict[key])) if key in res_dict: adaf.res.from_table(ttable.File(data=res_dict[key])) if include_rasters and key in ts_dict: systems = {} for system_key, system_value in six.iteritems(ts_dict[key]): if system_key in systems: system = systems[system_key] else: system = adaf.sys.create(system_key) systems[system_key] = system for raster_key, raster_value in six.iteritems( system_value): raster = system.create(raster_key) raster.from_table(ttable.File(data=raster_value), basis_name=basis_name) other_adafs.append(adaf)
[docs] def source(self, other_adaf, shallow=False): """Use the data from ``other_adaf`` as source for this file.""" self._data.source(other_adaf._data, shallow=shallow) self.meta = Group(self._data.meta, name="meta") self.res = Group(self._data.res, name="res") self.root = Group(self._data.root, name="root") self.sys = SystemGroupContainer(self._data.sys, name='sys') self.ts = TimeseriesGroup(self.sys)
def _set_file_attribute(self, key, value): """Set an ADAF file attribute updating it if it has already been set. """ self.root.set_attribute(key, value) def _get_file_attribute(self, key): """Get an ADAF file attribute or an empty string if the attribute hasn't been set. """ # Two different storage models have been used for file attributes: # 1. Stored as attributes on root table. (Used from version 1.1.2) # 2. Stored as zero-dimensional numpy arrays in self.root. # (Used from version 1.0) # This method tries both storage models for backwards compatibility but # favors 1 if both exist. attrs = self.root.get_attributes() if key in attrs: return attrs[key] elif key in self.root: try: return np.unicode_(self.root[key].value()) except KeyError: return '' else: return ''
[docs] def package_id(self): """Get the package identifier string.""" return self._get_file_attribute('package_id')
[docs] def source_id(self): """Get the source identifier string. If the source identifier has not been set, it will default to an empty string. """ return self._get_file_attribute('source_id')
[docs] def timestamp(self): """Get the time string.""" return self._get_file_attribute('timestamp')
[docs] def user_id(self): """Get the user identifier string.""" return self._get_file_attribute('user_id')
[docs] def version(self): """ Return the version as a string. This is useful when loading existing files from disk. .. versionadded:: 1.2.5 """ return self._get_file_attribute('version') or '1.2'
def __set_version(self): self.root.set_attribute('version', self.VERSION) def __set_package_id(self): """Set the package identifier string.""" package_id = getenv('SY_PYTHON_SUPPORT_HASH') or '' self._set_file_attribute('package_id', package_id)
[docs] def set_source_id(self, source_id): """Set the source identifier string.""" self._set_file_attribute('source_id', source_id)
def __set_timestamp(self): """Set the time string.""" timestamp = self._set_file_attribute('timestamp', timestamp) def __set_user_id(self): """Set the user identifier string.""" user_id = getuser() try: self._set_file_attribute('user_id', user_id) except UnicodeDecodeError: self._set_file_attribute('user_id', user_id).decode(fs_encoding) def is_empty(self): return (self.meta.is_empty() and self.res.is_empty() and self.sys.is_empty()) def __repr__(self): """ Short unambiguous string representation. """ id_ = hex(id(self)) empty = "Empty " if self.is_empty() else "" return "<{}adaf.File object at {}>".format(empty, id_) def __str__(self): """String representation.""" systems = [system for system in self.sys.keys()] rasters = [] for system in systems: rasters.extend(self.sys[system].values()) ts = [] for raster in rasters: ts.extend(raster.keys()) systems_list = ":\n {}".format(systems) if systems else "" lines = [ "{!r}:".format(self), " {meta} meta columns (.meta)".format( meta=len(self.meta.keys())), " {res} result columns (.res)".format( res=len(self.res.keys())), " {} timeseries in {} raster{} (.ts or .sys)".format( len(ts), len(rasters), plural(len(rasters))), " {} measurement system{} (.sys){}".format( len(systems), plural(len(systems)), systems_list)] lines.extend(sys_warnings(self.sys)) return "\n".join(lines) def __copy__(self): raise NotImplementedError def __deepcopy__(self, memo=None): obj = super(File, self).__deepcopy__() obj.meta = Group(obj._data.meta, name="meta") obj.res = Group(obj._data.res, name="res") obj.root = Group(obj._data.root, name="root") obj.sys = SystemGroupContainer(obj._data.sys, name='sys') obj.ts = TimeseriesGroup(obj.sys) return obj
[docs] @classmethod def viewer(cls): from .. platform import adaf_viewer return adaf_viewer.ADAFViewer
[docs] @classmethod def icon(cls): return 'ports/adaf.svg'
@inherit_doc class FileList(filebase.FileListBase): """ FileList has been changed and is now just a function which creates generators to sybase types. Old documentation follows: The :class:`FileList` class is used when working with lists of ADAFs. The main interfaces in :class:`FileList` are indexing or iterating for reading (see the :meth:`__getitem__()` method) and the :meth:`append()` method for writing. """ sytype = '[adaf]' scheme = 'hdf5' class Attributes(abc.MutableMapping): """Convenience class for using attributes.""" def __init__(self, attributes): self.__attributes = attributes def __getitem__(self, key): return self.__attributes.get(key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): return self.__attributes.set(key, value) def __delitem__(self, key): raise NotImplementedError def __iter__(self): for key in self.__attributes.keys(): yield key def __len__(self): return len(self.__attributes) def get_or_empty(self, key): """ Return value of attribute ``key`` or return an empty string if that attribute does not exist. Avoid using get_or_empty(key), use get(key, '') instead. """ return self.__attributes.get_or_empty(key) def set(self, key, value): self[key] = value class MAttributes(abc.MutableMapping): """Convenience class for using attributes stored in a sytable column.""" def __init__(self, node, name): self.__node = node self.__name = name def __getitem__(self, key): return self.__node.get_attribute(key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.__node.set_attribute(key, value) def __delitem__(self, key): raise NotImplementedError def __iter__(self): for key in self.__node: yield key def __len__(self): return len(self.__node) def get(self, key, default=None): """Return value of attribute ``key``.""" try: return self.__node.get_attribute(key) except KeyError: if default is not None: return default if key in ('unit', 'description'): return '' raise def get_or_empty(self, key): """ Return value of attribute ``key`` or return an empty string if key does not exist. Avoid using get_or_empty(key), use get(key, '') instead. """ exceptions.sywarn( "Avoid using get_or_empty(key), use get(key, '') " "instead.") try: return self[key] except KeyError: return '' def set(self, key, value): self[key] = value class SAttributes(abc.MutableMapping): """Convenience class for using attributes stored in a sytable column.""" def __init__(self, node): self.__node = node def __getitem__(self, key): return self.__node.get_column(key).tolist()[0] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.__node.set_column(key, np.array([value])) def __delitem__(self, key): raise NotImplementedError def __iter__(self): for key in self.__node.columns(): yield key def __len__(self): return len(self.__node.__columns()) def get_or_empty(self, key): """ Return value of attribute named by key or return the empty string if key does not exist. Avoid using get_or_empty(key), use get(key, '') instead. """ exceptions.sywarn( "Avoid using get_or_empty(key), use get(key, '') " "instead.") try: return self[key] except KeyError: return '' def set(self, key, value): """Set value of attribute named by key.""" self[key] = value class TAttributes(abc.MutableMapping): """Convenience class for using attributes stored in a sytable itself.""" def __init__(self, node): self.__node = node def __getitem__(self, key): value = self.__node.get_table_attributes()[key] if key == 'reference_time' and isinstance(value, six.string_types): value = isoformat_string_to_datetime(value) return value def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key == 'reference_time' and isinstance(value, datetime): value = datetime_to_isoformat_string(value) attributes = self.__node.get_table_attributes() attributes[key] = value self.__node.set_table_attributes(attributes) def __delitem__(self, key): raise NotImplementedError def __iter__(self): for key in self.__node.get_table_attributes(): yield key def __len__(self): return len(self.__node.get_table_attributes()) def get_or_empty(self, key): """ Return value of attribute named by key or return the empty string if key does not exist. Avoid using get_or_empty(key), use get(key, '') instead. """ exceptions.sywarn( "Avoid using get_or_empty(key), use get(key, '') " "instead.") try: return self[key] except KeyError: return '' def set(self, key, value): """Set value of attribute named by key.""" self[key] = value
[docs]@six.python_2_unicode_compatible class Group(filebase.PPrintUnicode): """ Class representing a group of scalars. Used for ``meta`` and ``res``. Supports dictionary-like ``__getitem__`` interface for data retrieval. To write a column use :meth:`create_column`. """ def __init__(self, data, name=None): self.__data = data = name
[docs] def keys(self): """Return the current group keys.""" return self.__data.columns()
[docs] def values(self): """Return the current group values.""" return [self[key] for key in self.keys()]
[docs] def items(self): """Return the current group items.""" return zip(self.keys(), self.values())
[docs] def number_of_rows(self): """ Return the number of rows in the Group. .. versionadded:: 1.2.6 """ return self.__data.number_of_rows()
[docs] def to_table(self): """Export table containing the data.""" result = ttable.File(data=self.__data) result.set_name( return result
[docs] def get_attributes(self): """Return a dictionary of all attributes on this group.""" return self.__data.get_table_attributes()
[docs] def set_attribute(self, key, value): """Add an attribute to this :class:`Group`. If the attribute already exists it will be updated. """ attr = self.__data.get_table_attributes() attr[key] = value self.__data.set_table_attributes(attr)
[docs] def from_table(self, table): """ Set the content to that of table. This operation replaces the columns of the group with the content of the table. """ self.__data.source(table._data)
[docs] def create_column(self, name, data, attributes=None): """ Create and add a new, named, data column to the group. Return created column. """ self.__data.set_column(name, data) column_attrs = self.__data.get_column_attributes(name) if attributes: column_attrs.set(attributes) return Column(column_attrs, self.__data, name)
[docs] def delete_column(self, name): """Delete named data column from the group.""" del self.__data[name]
[docs] def rename_column(self, old_name, new_name): """Rename the named data column.""" self.__data.set_column(new_name, self.__data.get_column(old_name)) old_attrs = self.__data.get_column_attributes(old_name) new_attrs = self.__data.get_column_attributes(new_name) new_attrs.set(old_attrs.get())
def is_empty(self): return self.__data.is_empty()
[docs] def hjoin(self, other_group): """HJoin Group with other Group.""" sybase.hjoin(self.__data, other_group.__data)
[docs] def vjoin(self, other_groups, input_index, output_index, fill, minimum_increment): """VJoin Group with other Group.""" input_list = sylist(types.from_string('[sytable]')) for other_group in other_groups: input_list.append(other_group.__data) sybase.vjoin(self.__data, input_list, input_index, output_index, fill, minimum_increment)
def __contains__(self, key): """Return True if key exists in this group or False otherwise.""" return self.__data.has_column(key) def __delitem__(self, key): """Delete named data column.""" del self.__data[key] def __getitem__(self, key): """Return named data column.""" return Column( self.__data.get_column_attributes(key), self.__data, key) def __setitem__(self, key, column): self.__data.update_column(key, column._Column__data, return self[key] def __repr__(self): id_ = hex(id(self)) return "<{} object {!r} at {}>:".format( self.__class__.__name__,, id_) def __str__(self): keys = self.keys() col_count = len(keys) row_count = self.__data.number_of_rows() lines = [ "{!r}:".format(self), " Name: {}".format(, " {} column{}: {}".format(col_count, plural(col_count), keys), " {} row{}".format(row_count, plural(row_count))] return "\n".join(lines)
class NamedGroupContainer(filebase.PPrintUnicode): """Container class for group elements.""" def __init__(self, record, name=None): self._record = record self._data = self._cache = None self.attr = SAttributes(record.attr) = name def keys(self): """Return the current group keys.""" return sorted(self._cache.keys(), key=lambda x: combined_key(x)) def items(self): result = [] keys = sorted(self._cache.keys(), key=lambda x: combined_key(x)) for key in keys: result.append((key, self[key])) return result def values(self): return [value for key, value in self.items()] def create(self, key): """Create and add a new group. Return created group.""" raise NotImplementedError def copy(self, key, other): """Copy existing element from other.""" raise NotImplementedError def delete(self, key): """Delete keyed group from the container.""" del self[key] def is_empty(self): return not bool(self.keys()) def __contains__(self, key): return key in self._cache def __delitem__(self, key): """Delete keyed group.""" del self._data[key] del self._cache[key] def __getitem__(self, key): """Return keyed group.""" raise NotImplementedError def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Set keyed group.""" raise NotImplementedError @six.python_2_unicode_compatible class SystemGroupContainer(NamedGroupContainer): """Container class for SystemGroup elements.""" def __init__(self, data, name=None): = name self._data = data self._cache = OrderedDict.fromkeys(data.keys()) def create(self, key): """Create and add a new SystemGroup.""" if key in self: raise ValueError('A system named {0} already exists.'.format(key)) value = SystemGroup( _create_named_dict_child(self._data, key), key) self._cache[key] = value return value def copy(self, key, other, new_key=None): """Copy existing SystemGroup from other.""" if new_key is None: new_key = key value = other._data[key].__deepcopy__() self._data[new_key] = value self._cache[new_key] = SystemGroup(value, new_key) def hjoin(self, other): for key in other.keys(): self.copy(key, other) def __getitem__(self, key): """Returns keyed :class:`SystemGroup`""" group = self._cache[key] if group is None: group = SystemGroup(self._data[key], key) self._cache[key] = group return group def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Set keyed :class:`SystemGroup`""" new = typefactory.from_type(value._record.container_type) = new.attr = value._record.attr[:] SAttributes(new.attr).set('name', key) self._data[key] = new result = SystemGroup(new, key) self._cache[key] = result return result def __repr__(self): id_ = hex(id(self)) count = len(self._cache) if not count: return "<Empty {} object at {}>".format( self.__class__.__name__, id_) return "<{} object at {}>:".format(self.__class__.__name__, id_) def __str__(self): systems = [system for system in self._cache.keys()] rasters = [] for system in systems: rasters.extend(self[system].values()) ts = [] for raster in rasters: ts.extend(raster.keys()) systems_list = ":\n {}".format(systems) if systems else "" lines = [ "{!r}:".format(self), " {} timeseries in {} raster{}".format( len(ts), len(rasters), plural(len(rasters))), " {} measurement system{}{}".format( len(systems), plural(len(systems)), systems_list)] lines.extend(sys_warnings(self)) return "\n".join(lines) @six.python_2_unicode_compatible class SystemGroup(NamedGroupContainer): """Container class for :class:`RasterN` elements.""" def __init__(self, record, name=None): super(SystemGroup, self).__init__(record, name) self._cache = OrderedDict.fromkeys(self._data.keys()) def create(self, key): """Create and add a new :class:`RasterN`.""" if key in self: raise ValueError('A raster named {0} already exists.'.format(key)) value = RasterN( _create_named_dict_child(self._data, key),, key) self._cache[key] = value return value def copy(self, key, other, new_key=None): """Copy existing :class:`RasterN` from other SystemGroup.""" if new_key is None: new_key = key value = other._data[key].__deepcopy__() self._data[new_key] = value self._cache[new_key] = RasterN(value,, new_key) def __getitem__(self, key): """Return keyed :class:`RasterN`""" group = self._cache[key] if group is None: group = RasterN(self._data[key],, key) self._cache[key] = group return group def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Set keyed :class:`RasterN`""" new = value._RasterN__data self._data[key] = new result = RasterN(new, key) self._cache[key] = result return result def __repr__(self): id_ = hex(id(self)) count = len(self._cache) empty = "Empty " if not count else "" return "<{}{} object {!r} at {}>".format( empty, self.__class__.__name__,, id_) def __str__(self): count = len(self._cache) s = plural(count) keys = self._cache.keys() lines = ["{!r}:".format(self)] if count: lines.append(" {} raster{}: {}".format(count, s, keys)) lines.extend(sys_warnings({None: self})) return "\n".join(lines)
[docs]@six.python_2_unicode_compatible class RasterN(filebase.PPrintUnicode): """ Represents a raster with a single time basis and any number of timeseries columns. """ BASIS_NAME = '!ADAF_Basis!' def __init__(self, record, system, name): self.__record = record self.__data = self.__cache = OrderedDict.fromkeys( (key for key in self.__data.columns() if key != self.BASIS_NAME)) self.__basis = None self.system = system = name def __attr_guard(self, arguments): for key in ['unit', 'description']: value = arguments.get(key, '') if not isinstance(value, six.string_types): raise ValueError( '{} attribute: {} must be a string'.format( key, repr(value))) @property def attr(self): """Raster level attributes.""" return Attributes(TAttributes(self.__data))
[docs] def keys(self): """Return a list of names of the timeseries.""" return self.__cache.keys()
[docs] def items(self): """ Return a list of tuples, each with the name of a timeseries and the corresponding :class:`Timeseries` object. """ uncached = {key: Timeseries(self, self.__data, key) for key, value in self.__cache.items() if value is None} self.__cache.update(uncached) return self.__cache.items()
[docs] def number_of_rows(self): """ Return the number of rows (length of a time basis/timeseries) in the raster. """ return self.__data.number_of_rows()
[docs] def number_of_columns(self): """Return the number of signals including the basis.""" return self.__data.number_of_columns()
[docs] def values(self): """Return a list of all signal items.""" return [value for key, value in self.items()]
[docs] def basis_column(self): """ Return the time basis for this raster. The returned object is of type :class:`Column`. """ if self.__basis is None: self.__basis = Column( self.__data.get_column_attributes(self.BASIS_NAME), self.__data, self.BASIS_NAME) return self.__basis
[docs] def create_basis(self, data, attributes=None, **kwargs): """ Create and add a basis. The contents of the dictionary ``attributes`` are added as attributes on the signal. .. versionchanged:: 1.2.1 Added the ``attributes`` parameter. Using kwargs to set attributes is now considered obsolete and will result in a warning. """ if kwargs: exceptions.sywarn( "Avoid using keyword arguments (kwargs), use 'attributes' " "instead.") if (self.__data.number_of_columns() and data.size != self.__data.number_of_rows()): raise ValueError( "Can't create basis of length {} in raster of length " "{}".format(data.size, self.__data.number_of_rows())) kwargs = attributes or kwargs or {} self.__data.set_column(self.BASIS_NAME, data) self.__data.set_name(kwargs.get('name', if kwargs: self.__attr_guard(kwargs) self.__data.get_column_attributes(self.BASIS_NAME).set(kwargs) self.__basis = None
[docs] def create_signal(self, name, data, attributes=None, **kwargs): """ Create and add a new signal. The contents of the dictionary ``attributes`` are added as attributes on the signal. .. versionchanged:: 1.2.1 Added the ``attributes`` parameter. Using kwargs to set attributes is now considered obsolete and will result in a warning. """ if kwargs: exceptions.sywarn( "Avoid using keyword arguments (kwargs), use 'attributes' " "instead.") if (self.__data.number_of_columns() and data.size != self.__data.number_of_rows()): raise ValueError( "Can't create signal of length {} in raster of length " "{}".format(data.size, self.__data.number_of_rows())) kwargs = attributes or kwargs or {} self.__attr_guard(kwargs) self.__data.set_column(name, data) self.__data.get_column_attributes(name).set(kwargs) self.__cache[name] = None
[docs] def delete_signal(self, name): """Delete named signal.""" del self.__data[name] self.__cache.pop(name, None)
[docs] def to_table(self, basis_name=None): """Export all timeseries as a Table. When basis_name is given, the basis will be included in the table and given the basis_name, otherwise it will not be included in the table. """ dst_table = ttable.File() src_table = ttable.File(data=self.__data) if basis_name is not None: dst_table.update_column(basis_name, src_table, self.BASIS_NAME) for column_name in src_table.column_names(): if column_name != self.BASIS_NAME and column_name != basis_name: dst_table.update_column(column_name, src_table, column_name) dst_table.set_name( dst_table.set_table_attributes(src_table.get_table_attributes()) return dst_table
[docs] def from_table(self, table, basis_name=None, use_basis_name=True): """ Set the content to that of table. This operation replaces the signals of the raster with the content of the table. When basis_name is used, that column will be used as basis, otherwise it will not be defined after this operation and needs to be set using create_basis. """ dst_table = ttable.File() # Fill cache with all columns beside the basis. self.__cache = OrderedDict.fromkeys(table.column_names()) self.__cache.pop(self.BASIS_NAME, None) self.__cache.pop(basis_name, None) # Fill the table with all columns beside the basis. for column_name in self.__cache.keys(): dst_table.update_column(column_name, table, column_name) if basis_name is not None: # Let basis_column determine the name. if use_basis_name: self.__data.set_name(basis_name) # Fill the table with basis column. dst_table.update_column(self.BASIS_NAME, table, basis_name) dst_table.set_name(table.get_name()) dst_table.set_table_attributes(table.get_table_attributes()) = dst_table._data self.__data = dst_table._data self.__basis = None
[docs] def update_basis(self, other_raster): """ Updates the basis from the basis of RasterN other_raster. .. versionadded:: 1.4.3 """ self.__data.update_column( self.BASIS_NAME, other_raster.__data, self.BASIS_NAME) self.__basis = None
[docs] def update_signal(self, signal_name, other_raster, other_name=None): """ Updates a signal from a signal in another raster. The signal other_name from other_raster will be copied into signal_name. If signal_name already exists it will be replaced. If other_name is not specified, signal_name will be used instead. .. versionadded:: 1.4.3 """ if other_name is None: other_name = signal_name self.__data.update_column( signal_name, other_raster.__data, other_name) self.__cache[signal_name] = None
[docs] def vjoin(self, other_groups, input_index, output_index, fill, minimum_increment): """VJoin Group with other Group.""" input_list = sylist(types.from_string('[sytable]')) for other_group in other_groups: input_list.append(other_group.__data) sybase.vjoin(self.__data, input_list, input_index, output_index, fill, minimum_increment)
def __contains__(self, key): """Return True if column ``key`` is in this raster.""" return key in self.__cache def __getitem__(self, key): """Return the :class:`Timeseries` named key.""" if key == self.BASIS_NAME: raise KeyError('Column cannot be named {0}'.format(key)) else: if key in self: if self.__cache[key] is None: self.__cache[key] = Timeseries(self, self.__data, key) else: raise KeyError('Missing {0}'.format(key)) return self.__cache[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): """ Set named :class:`Timeseries` object. This method is not suitable for end users, use :meth:`create_signal` instead. """ if key == self.BASIS_NAME: raise KeyError('Column cannot be named {0}'.format(key)) else: self.__data[key] = value._Timeseries__data result = Timeseries(self, self.__data, key) self.__cache[key] = result return result def __repr__(self): id_ = hex(id(self)) return "<{} object {!r} at {}>".format( self.__class__.__name__,, id_) def __str__(self): keys = self.keys() col_count = len(keys) row_count = self.number_of_rows() try: basis = self.basis_column() except KeyError: basis = None lines = [ "{!r}".format(self), " Name: {}".format(, " {} column{}: {}".format(col_count, plural(col_count), keys), " {} row{}".format(row_count, plural(row_count))] if not basis: lines.append("Warning: This raster has no basis") return "\n".join(lines)
[docs]@six.python_2_unicode_compatible class Column(filebase.PPrintUnicode): """ Class representing a named column with values and attributes. Get attributes with ``attr`` member. """ def __init__(self, attributes, data, name): self.__attrs = attributes self.__data = data self.__name = name if not data.has_column(name): raise KeyError('Missing {0}'.format(name)) self.attr = Attributes(MAttributes(attributes, name))
[docs] def name(self): """Return the column name.""" return self.__name
[docs] def value(self): """Return the column value.""" return self.__data.get_column(
[docs] def size(self): """Return the size of the column.""" return self.__data.number_of_rows()
@property def dtype(self): """dtype of column.""" return self.__data.column_type( def __repr__(self): id_ = hex(id(self)) return "<{} object {!r} at {}>".format( self.__class__.__name__,, id_) def __str__(self): dtype = self.value().dtype lines = ["{!r}:".format(self), " Name: {}".format(, " Type: {} ({})".format( dtypes.typename_from_kind(dtype.kind), dtype), " Length: {}".format(self.size())] if 'description' in self.attr: lines.append(" Description: {}".format(self.attr['description'])) if 'unit' in self.attr: lines.append(" Unit: {}".format(self.attr['unit'])) lines.append(" Values: {}".format(short_narray(self.value()))) return "\n".join(lines)
[docs]@six.python_2_unicode_compatible class Timeseries(filebase.PPrintUnicode): """ Class representing a timeseries. The values in the timeseries can be accessed as a numpy array via the member ``y``. The timeseries is also connected to a time basis whose values can be accessed as a numpy array via the property ``t``. The timeseries can also have any number of attributes. The methods :meth:`unit` and :meth:`description` retrieve those two attributes. To get all attributes use the method :meth:`get_attributes`. """ def __init__(self, node, data, name): self.__node = node self.__data = data self.__attrs = data.get_column_attributes(name) = name @property def y(self): """Timeseries values as a numpy array.""" return self.signal().value() @property def t(self): """Time basis values as a numpy array.""" return self.basis().value() @property def dtype(self): """dtype of timeseries.""" return self.__data.column_type(
[docs] def unit(self): """Return the unit attribute or an empty string if it is not set.""" try: return self.__attrs.get_attribute('unit') except KeyError: return ''
[docs] def get_attributes(self): """Return all attributes (including unit and description).""" return self.__attrs.get()
[docs] def description(self): """ Return the description attribute or an empty string if it is not set. """ try: return self.__attrs.get_attribute('description') except KeyError: return ''
[docs] def signal_name(self): """Return the name of the timeseries data signal.""" return
[docs] def system_name(self): """Return the name of the associated system.""" return self.__node.system
[docs] def raster_name(self): """Return the name of the associated raster.""" return
[docs] def raster(self): """Return the associated raster.""" return self.__node
[docs] def basis(self): """Return the timeseries data basis as a :class:`Column`.""" return self.__node.basis_column()
[docs] def signal(self): """Return the timeseries data signal as a :class:`Column`.""" return Column(self.__attrs, self.__data,
def __repr__(self): id_ = hex(id(self)) return "<{} object {!r} at {}>".format( self.__class__.__name__,, id_) def __str__(self): warn_lines = [] lines = ["{!r}:".format(self), " Name: {}".format(, " Type: {} ({})".format( dtypes.typename_from_kind(self.y.dtype.kind), self.y.dtype), " Raster: {}/{}".format( self.system_name(), self.raster_name()), " Length: {}".format(len(self.y))] if self.description(): lines.append(" Description: {}".format(self.description())) if self.unit(): lines.append(" Unit: {}".format(self.unit())) try: self.t except KeyError: warn_lines.append( "Warning: Timeseries comes from a raster with no basis.") else: lines.append(" t: {}".format(short_narray(self.t))) lines.append(" y: {}".format(short_narray(self.y))) return "\n".join(lines + warn_lines)
@six.python_2_unicode_compatible class TimeseriesGroup(filebase.PPrintUnicode): """Container class for :class:`Timeseries` elements.""" def __init__(self, node): self.node = node def keys(self): """Return the current group keys.""" return [key for system in self.node.values() for raster in system.values() for key in raster.keys()] def items(self): """Return a list of all signal items.""" return [item for system in self.node.values() for raster in system.values() for item in raster.items()] def values(self): """Return a list of all signal items.""" return [value for system in self.node.values() for raster in system.values() for value in raster.values()] def hjoin(self, other): """ HJoin :class:`TimeseriesGroup` with other :class`TimeseriesGroup`. """ sybase.hjoin(self.node, other.node) def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.keys() def __getitem__(self, key): """ Return named :class:`Timeseries`. Consider using :meth:`items` because multiple calls of this method will be extremely inefficient. For multiple lookups, use items() and store the result. """ return dict(self.items())[key] def __repr__(self): id_ = hex(id(self)) return "<{} object at {}>".format(self.__class__.__name__, id_) def __str__(self): systems = [system for system in self.node.keys()] rasters = [] for system in systems: rasters.extend(self.node[system].values()) ts = [] for raster in rasters: ts.extend(raster.keys()) ts_str = ":\n {}".format(ts) if ts else "" lines = [ "{!r}:".format(self), " {} timeseries (in {} raster{}){}".format( len(ts), len(rasters), plural(len(rasters)), ts_str)] lines.extend(sys_warnings(self.node)) return "\n".join(lines) def _create_named_dict_child(parent, key): """ Return a named child of a sydict of type {(attr:table, data:type)} named childs are encoded with type (attr:table, data:type) and named using the attr element name. """ record = typefactory.from_type(parent.content_type) SAttributes(record.attr).set('name', key) parent[key] = record return record